Layoffs Coming To Disney? – IOTW Report

Layoffs Coming To Disney?

DefConNews: Things aren’t going well for the Woke Kingdom, the Walt Disney Company, which saw its share price collapse. The company failed to achieve earning expectations by over $1 billion, with the Disney+ streaming service losing a whopping $1.5 billion. That’s a 40 percent greater loss than analysts were expecting from the woke entertainment giant’s streaming service. more

17 Comments on Layoffs Coming To Disney?

  1. I went to Disneyland once 50 years ago this weekend just after Thanksgiving 1972 just after I had graduated from Navy boot camp in San Diego. It cost me $20, we were given tickets to go to Disneyland from Special Services and spent the whole day there. I don’t remember much as it was 50 years ago, but it was an enjoyable day. Now you couldn’t pay me to patronize Disney as it has become so woke that I don’t even recognize the old Disney of my youth in the 60’s and early 70’s. And besides it’s prohibitively expensive now where I can’t afford their outrageous prices, so I choose to spend my entertainment money elsewhere. I also don’t like large crowds either which is another reason I won’t go there ever again. Disney isn’t what it used to be in its Wonderful World of Color days on Sunday night on NBC back in the 60’s when the whole family would watch it together. I’d be ashamed to show my grandkids most of the new woke crap and try to avoid it all together if I can. The mouse is dead to me now.

  2. The big news re: Disney… They just canned Chapek and re-hired Iger!
    He grew Disney to unbelievable success. He knows what moves to make and I think he’ll return it to a family-friendly, affordable experience again.
    Personally, I love the park. I had vowed to never go again after the woke bs, but I hope it gets back to what it should be.
    I may rescind my boycott.

  3. It’s a world of sacked
    A world of tears
    It’s a world of crap
    Stuffed between your ears
    All that woke that you share
    made most parents aware
    You are groomers one and all

    You are groomers one and all
    You are groomers one and all
    You are groomers one and all
    From a sick, sick, world

    When your job depends
    On norms paying you
    But the Mouse turned ped,
    So he failed you

    They chose themes that divide
    Now your pay gap is wide
    ’cause you’re groomers one and all

    You are groomers one and all
    You are groomers one and all
    You are groomers one and all

    Now you’re un-em-ployed!

  4. Disney? Losing money? In the Billions (with a “B”)?


    Ever since I learned of them (I think under Igor) that they were importing cheap foreign labor to replace the local teen/young labor.

  5. Is this a sign that their corporate philosophy of “the populace is stupid” isn’t working?

    Either that, or it’s stupider than even they thought. Judging by what’s happening worldwide on streaming media, it may be the latter: Zombies!

  6. When I was a young man in OC, admission to “The Happiest Place On Earth” was $5.00.
    You could buy a ticketbook for a small savings or buy tickets for individual rides.
    Now I hear it’s over $100.00 per day at Disneyland- no problem keeping up with inflation..

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