BPR: Social media was divided over the “oddly jovial” sounding call President Lyndon Johnson made to the grieving widow of assassinated president John F. Kennedy.
In the wake of the release of thousands of documents related to the 1963 assassination of JFK, new attention has focused on previously released recordings and files. One clip making the social media rounds is of Johnson speaking with former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy just weeks after her world turned upside down.
The December 21 phone call revealed the new president teasing the widow about leaving town without saying goodbye. more here
Ewwwuuuuu, that was pretty creepy. 🤢🤮
whut, the ****** asshole called to apologize for orchestrating her husband’s murder? i doubt it.
a texan looks @ lyndon, j. evetts haley…for you lbj worshippers
Anonymous, LBJ wasn’t director of CIA or Mossad.
@NIdahoOrthodox — The orchestra conductor just waves the baton, it’s the guys in the pit who actually do the work (wet or otherwise).
And of course Uncle Al, what do you do when you see the Oboe player staggering around in your backyard at two in the morning?
Shoot him again!
Maybe Jackie was in on it as well as payback for all of JFK’s infidelities. Who knows, that make as much sense as every other conspiracy theory of JFK’s assassination. She was obviously a woman not to be spurned and cheated on.
E. Howard Hunt. Look it up.
for lbj/pedocrat worshippers
lbj knew the secret service asshole rowley for decades & was a neighbor of j. e. hoover in dc
They’re all so gross.
@MJA —
Q: What do you get if you mix lard, tallow, chicken fat, and bullshit?
most remember the lbj voting prediction about a certain demographic, he was mistaken. they were certainly black – but he was the ******.
Among the released docs and tapes is a speech given by JFK just a week before his murder. In it he states EVERYTHING about the American gov’t and globalist actors who are doing EVERYTHING they are doing right now! He already saw the then-current infiltration of the far Left into every American institution and he stated that “before I leave this noble office” he would spill it all. It’s a chilling expose’. They had to kill him. And I believe this one recorded video of Kennedy may be one of the biggest reasons the JFK files were put on ice and their release was repeatedly stalled.
I think it also explains why POTUS Trump and his cabinet are so swiftly and openly exposing the fraud and shutting down Leftist propaganda (DEI, CRT, etc) within gov’t and gov’t-tied organizations. Recall that Trump said he had already reviewed and been briefed on the JFK files in his first term.
Strongly recommend watching it if you are interested.
Dr. Travell was likely Dr. Janet Travell, who was JFK’s life-long physician and named his personal WH physician. She treated JFKs chronic back pain and is described as a “Pain Specialist”. I suppose it’s easy enough to speculate that in the 1960s she used narcotic pain treatments, but she could have also been treating Jackie with Vitamin B shots. Who knows for sure. Travell also treated LBJ, that’s why it sounded from the phone call that Jackie didn’t need to explain who Travell was to LBJ. Given that JFK and others in his D.C. circle were patients of Dr. Feelgood, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Jackie was on anti-depressants/anti-anxiety meds after her husband’s murder. After all, she probably suffered severe PTSD from having him shot up and die in her arms — soaked in his blood. That would loosen the tightest grip anyone has on sanity. That may account for her nonchalant chit chat with LBJ. Maybe they were all higher than kites. Lady Bird coped with booze.
conversation, Jan 6th, 1964.
LBJ: Hello Jackie, how ya do’in gal?
JK: Hello Mr. President, I’m doing fine, thanks for asking.
LBJ: I see you are still in the WH. Someone told me he saw you talking to John’s ghost and Abe Lincoln’s ghost. Is that true?
JK: Yeah, I saw John’s ghost and Mr. Lincoln’s ghost and Marilyn Monroe’s ghost too.
LBJ: What were they doing?
JK: John and Marilyn were having sexual intercourse in the oval office…Mr. Lincoln was taking a movie of the whole thing. What else would John and Marilyn be doing? I told both of them to beat it. I haven’t seen them since.
LBJ: Holy Texas Cowbell. I never woulda thought ghosts could do that. What did ol’ Abe Lincoln say to John?
JK: Mr. Lincoln asked John if he got a big headache after getting shot in the head. John said he did get a headache but not for 9 hours like Mr. Lincoln got. He asked Mr. Lincoln how it felt. Mr. Lincoln complained that the doctors kept poking their forefingers in the hole in his head, and said “I don’t know where their fingers had been, and I didn’t want them in my head, By God…all they did was make the hole bigger”.
LBJ: By the way Jackie, the wife wants me to ask you to leave all the White House china and furniture and promise you won’t steal anything. OK?
JK: Oh I won’t. It was all donated by the Statler-Hilton Hotel. It’s second rate. Tell your wife not to worry.
LBJ was nothing if he was not crude.
Queen Elizabeth II came over to America to visit President Johnson at his Texas ranch in the mid 1960’s.
LBJ: Hello and welcome to my ranch, Liz…may I call you Liz? And you’re the Queen of Whales, am I right?
Queen Elizabeth: Um…why yes Mr. President, you may call me Liz if you prefer. Yes, I am the Queen of Wales, as well as Scotland and England.
LBJ: Whales, that’s great. My wife, Lady Bird, is a big fan of whales. You’ll meet her later. Let me tell you what her favorite whale is….It’s the Sperm Whale. Ha-Ha. (Secret Service guys try to stop laughing).
Queen Elizabeth: Yes Mr, President, that’s a very good whale to like.
LBJ: Yes. All around you is my ranch, called the Pedernales.
Queen Elizabeth: It seems like a very big ranch. What does “Peter Nailes” mean?
LBJ: It’s Mexican for “Don’t Pee Here”. Ha-Ha. I’m only jokin’ with ya. But I don’t know what it really means. Any of you Secret Service guys know?
Secret Service Agent: Sir, It means “Don’t walk here”.
LBJ: Yeah yeah…it’s a warning to the Mexicans to stay off my property.
Queen Elizabeth: I see, Mr. President.
LBJ: Liz, I’d like you to meet my two hound dogs, Ima Hogg and Ura Hogg. See how big their ears are? They hear so good they can hear a rattlesnake fart from twenty miles away.
Queen Elizabeth: Very impressive Mr. President.
LBJ: Why, their ears are so strong I can pick them up by their ears. See this? (picks up Ima Hogg by its ears). They don’t feel a thing.
Queen Elizabeth: Mr. President, I’m shocked!
LBJ: Now, let’s go inside and have us some Lone Star beer….Lady Bird has cooked up some burritos for us.
Queen Elizabeth: Mr. President, what is a burrtow?
LBJ: It’s a little burro – sort of a donkey or a mule.
Queen Elizabeth: Mr. President, thank you. I’m not terribly hungry but I would like a cup of tea.
LBJ: Certainly Liz. We have some bags around here….uh, tea bags I mean. Ha-Ha.
LBJ was nothing if he was not crude.
Queen Elizabeth II came over to America to visit President Johnson at his Texas ranch in the mid 1960’s.
LBJ: Hello and welcome to my ranch, Liz…may I call you Liz? And you’re the Queen of Whales, am I right?
Queen Elizabeth: Um…why yes Mr. President, you may call me Liz if you prefer. Yes, I am the Queen of Wales, as well as Scotland and England.
LBJ: Whales, that’s great. My wife, Lady Bird, is a big fan of whales. You’ll meet her later. Let me tell you what her favorite whale is….It’s the Sperm Whale. Ha-Ha. (Secret Service guys try to stop laughing).
Queen Elizabeth: Yes Mr, President, that’s a very good whale to like.
LBJ: Yes. All around you is my ranch, called the Pedernales.
Queen Elizabeth: It seems like a very big ranch. What does “Peter Nailes” mean?
LBJ: It’s Mexican for “Don’t Pee Here”. Ha-Ha. I’m only jokin’ with ya. But I don’t know what it really means. Any of you Secret Service guys know?
Secret Service Agent: Sir, It means “Don’t walk here”.
LBJ: Yeah yeah…it’s a warning to the Mexicans to stay off my property.
Queen Elizabeth: I see, Mr. President.
LBJ: Liz, I’d like you to meet my two hound dogs, Ima Hogg and Ura Hogg. See how big their ears are? They hear so good they can hear a rattlesnake fart from twenty miles away.
Queen Elizabeth: Very impressive Mr. President.
LBJ: Why, their ears are so strong I can pick them up by their ears. See this? (picks up Ima Hogg by its ears). They don’t feel a thing.
Queen Elizabeth: Mr. President, I’m shocked!
LBJ: Now, let’s go inside and have us some Lone Star beer….Lady Bird has cooked up some burritos for us.
Queen Elizabeth: Mr. President, what is a burrtow?
LBJ: It’s a little burro – sort of a donkey or a mule.
Queen Elizabeth: Mr. President, thank you. I’m not terribly hungry but I would like a cup of tea.
LBJ: Certainly Liz. We have some bags around here….uh, tea bags I mean. Ha-Ha.