Le Pen and Macron Head to a Runoff in French Election – IOTW Report

Le Pen and Macron Head to a Runoff in French Election

CTH: As expected, in the France election no candidate achieved 50% of the vote.  That sets up a runoff election fifteen days from now to determine who will be the next president.  Reuters Article Here – Guardian/MSM Article Here

In the primary race the final results are not yet announced; however, current President Emmanuel Macron has approximately 28% of the vote, and challenger Marine Le Pen has around 24% of the vote.  No other candidate was close enough to change the top two outcome.

In the head-to-head matchup, the race is essentially tied, well within the margin of polling error (as above).  Interestingly, Le Pen has flipped the 18-to-34-year age bracket and now holds majority support in the younger voting bloc.  Perhaps, due to young French citizens feeling the outcomes of the professional political left thirsting for unilateral power during COVID.

There was around a 65% voter turnout according to most early analysts.  The general election is essentially a coin toss based on the current polling.  The final vote to determine the winner will take place April 24th.  It will be a very closely watched event by leaders around the world.  A Le Pen victory would be seismic in the world of politics, akin to Trump’s victory in 2016, and that outcome is a strong possibility.

The professional political left are apoplectic. more

14 Comments on Le Pen and Macron Head to a Runoff in French Election

  1. Still in the Garden Time…in a State that was Blessed with “Black Gold Soil” from the nutrients pushed down the mountainsides of forests and animals into the valleys and adjoining rivers of this beautiful state of…., over millions of years.

    These people have been Blessed with this. They will never go hungry and, as an import (me) to their Blessed State, my grove of Georgia peach siblings (I was born in Daytona Beach, FL) show promise from frost of yet another season of mouth-watering peaches in a zone where seldom attempt is made to grow them due to the unpredictable frost and weather. Why am I now here? I’ve seen these people and I love these people.

    What State is this? Guess! The one that has been blessed with Coal, some Oil and Methane.

    Of all the US states I have trialed throughout my life in soil and growing food, this one is especially Blessed, and has a long way to go before the likes of H. Clinton, Obama, Biden (IOW: the self-appointed tribal enemy aka, the Democrat Party) of America try to kill it.

    2nd Place: CA, KY, OH, AL (in my experience and opinion)
    3rd: VA and all others in the US.

    Thank You for being and expressing your opinions as Americans.

    Pleas consider welcoming parts of Canada (possibly Mexico) as future states/citizens of America in our Children’s future.

    Have been working on it, and then, I’m off to whatever else.

  2. France is as divided as we are. What would be great is to trade our liberals for their conservatives and vice versa: then both the USA and France would be great again.

  3. We are not divided…just fragmented due to World Dominance of spoiled cunts like Trudeaux (times twice), Macron and all the others of the Schwab Rico gang.

    America still holds hands with the French people forever. This is something these cocksuckers cannot conceive or even recognize as humanity – Hand-in-hand forever facing the Universe.

  4. “Black Gold Soil” – usually the result of eons of coniferous forests and their rotting needles. These soils are sometimes as deep as one can dig.

    There’s another kind, pianamusic. Clay, full of every organic mineral trapped from leaching away by underlying bedrock or even clay turned to rock, hard and blue from glacial pressure. These soils form in river valleys and are also full of deciduous organics, and when stirred, form a perfect mix of nutrients where only the weather limits what can be grown.

    Sounds like you have Spring fever, sir! The soil… the blood of the planet.

  5. Maricon’s election fraud wasn’t great enough for a clear win?
    Sorta like the Demonrat’s in 2016.
    Shows a distinct lack of perception.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Wait, I’m pretty certain that I’d read that in France there is only in-person voting and with ID. They managed to count all the votes on the same day voting took place?

    We all know it’s entirely possible because that’s how it always was here in the U.S. Somewhere along the line we’ve been conditioned to believe that what was once the norm is now impossible.

    Young people that know no better I can understand but those of us that grew up with results on the day of the election, why are we accepting this?

  7. @mystaclean April 11, 2022 at 6:24 am

    > those of us that grew up with results on the day of the election, why are we accepting this?

    Government (guaranteed) pensions. Stocks. Bonds. My investment properties (that those foolish enough to be fooled must pay me for the privilege of not being homeless).

    Free “health” care. Like replacement parts and their installation. So I can vacation worthwhile.

    Are you willing to accept the interference, of the names you signed to the checks you cashed, before they were born?

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