Le Pen vows ‘France first’ at campaign launch – IOTW Report

Le Pen vows ‘France first’ at campaign launch

Lyon (AFP) – Far-right leader Marine Le Pen vowed Sunday she would be a president who puts France first as she formally launched a campaign echoing many of the themes that propelled Donald Trump to the White House.

With polls showing her now leading the first round of the election race, the head of the National Front (FN) attacked “mass immigration”, globalisation and “Islamic fundamentalism” and said she wanted a country “which owes nothing to anyone”.

In a speech in the central city of Lyon less than three months before voting begins, Le Pen praised Britain for choosing to leave the European Union and urged the French to emulate Trump voters “who put their own national interests first”.

She compared globalisation to slavery, saying it meant “manufacturing with slaves to sell to the unemployed.

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14 Comments on Le Pen vows ‘France first’ at campaign launch

  1. Notice how Yahoo FakeNews refers to her as ‘far-right’?


    If Le Pen can win France, maybe they’re not too far gone. Should be interesting to watch. Good luck to her.

  2. Soooooooo … she’s an EXTREME monarchist?
    As opposed to a … what? Moderate monarchist?
    Not an admirer of Louis XVI or St. Louis (IX) but more Louis XIV or Napoleon I?
    Certainly not an enthusiast of Robespierre?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Watching Le Penn give a speech I get the idea she’s rational human being. Seeing Hillary give a speech I always thought I was watching somebody afflicted with mad cow disease.

  4. Marine is awesome! I am really pulling for her to win. If she can win, Europe then just pretty much needs to bury Merkel and they will really be moving in the right direction. Would be great if Geert Wilders could become the head honcho of the Dutch govt. MUZZIES GO HOME. Africans too. Make France Great Again!

  5. “France First!”
    “Germany First!”
    “America First!”
    “England First!”

    Shouldn’t that be every country’s inclination?
    Take care of yourself – let others can take care of themselves.
    It really is a case of extreme hubris to believe that other people need you.
    Or your money.

    The Globaloney-ists sure have fucked up a lot of countries!

    izlamo delenda est …

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