Leaders of China, India, and other major economies skip out on Biden’s latest climate forum – IOTW Report

Leaders of China, India, and other major economies skip out on Biden’s latest climate forum

Wa Ex: A number of key world leaders were notably absent from President Joe Biden’s Friday morning climate forum.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, representing the two countries the scientific community believes are the linchpins in effectively combating climate change, did not participate in the reconvening of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate. Both leaders took part in the first forum, held by the White House in spring 2021.

French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and other European heads of state also did not participate, though the continent was represented by European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. read more

13 Comments on Leaders of China, India, and other major economies skip out on Biden’s latest climate forum

  1. The countries that did not attend have leaders who listen to honest, objective scientists, not grant-seeking frauds with an agenda. That little twit from Sweden should work on her complexion before she worries about the atmosphere. And Biden, he is unlikely to know the difference between carbon dioxide and plutonium but then again, neither would his wife.

  2. And those two countries are causing massive CO2 emissions. They dont show up but the Biden Admin will still ruin our economy to reduce CO2 which will have zero impact on climate. Thanks, Dems!


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