Leading veganism advocate is ‘really, really sorry’ she was captured on camera eating flesh – IOTW Report

Leading veganism advocate is ‘really, really sorry’ she was captured on camera eating flesh

American Thinker: As a lifelong meat- and fish-eater, I am savoring this delicious story of hypocrisy. But having spent most of my adult life in and around Berkeley and Cambridge, I know a lot of vegetarians and vegans, and most of them are nice people. Many are motivated by compassion for all animals, though vegans take that even further, eschewing eggs, milk, and other non-lethal products of animals. At least 90% of them are women, mostly middle aged and younger.

Everyone is free to choose what foods they consume, Michelle Obama’s coercion of school lunches to the contrary notwithstanding. But when veganism becomes virtue-signaling, directly or indirectly shaming meat-eaters, it becomes obnoxious. Even worse would be someone who built a career on advocacy of the vegan lifestyle only to secretly eat flesh – because it is healthy.  read more

26 Comments on Leading veganism advocate is ‘really, really sorry’ she was captured on camera eating flesh

  1. Frankly, I don’t get veganism at all. To hear a vegan describe their diet, it really does seem more like a religious cult thing — more like a vow than any kind of sound or sensible way to eat. Every vegan I’ve ever met looks wan, tired and generally unhealthy.

  2. These are the same dopes that want higher taxes for the rich yet give nothing to charity on their own, the same folks that jump in a Uber when public transportation is within spitting distance (looking at you OAC, the queen of dopes), and the same folks that decry Google facilitating war making when they take American defense contracts but are mute when Google helps the Chinese censor and abuse it’s own citizens. Virtue signalling, naval gazing, and bubble thinking are the only arrows in their quivers.

  3. I have a family member who loves to be a fake expert on diet & health matters, and she’s constantly spewing bullshit about what everybody should put in their body. Meanwhile, she’s also an alcoholic, doing massive damage to her liver on an ongoing basis. The facts are that vegans are fucking idiots, who don’t have a fucking clue what the hell they’re talking about. If you want to ruin your health, then, by all means, follow their stupid dietary advice, because you’ll likely be the only one. They’re probably sneaking Big Macs every chance they get, the virtue signaling shitbags.

  4. Had a wonderful, reverse seared ribeye for dinner. Cook on a rack in the oven at 250 until probe thermometer says 225 (medium rare). Let rest for 15 – 20 minutes while broccoli is steaming and other dishes are prepped. Sear in a very hot, lightly oiled cast iron skillet for a couple of minutes on each side. Finish with a couple of thin pats of butter, a generous sprinkling of coarse salt (kosher or sea), and a nice squeeze of fresh lemon. Light butter and lemon on the broccoli as well. You’ll have to figure out the roasted potatoes, with fresh rosemary and garlic, yourselves.

    Bullet Rye for the cook. And a bowl of Black Walnut ice cream after everything settles

  5. Really sorry for being captured on camera?
    Airing your hypocrisy is seldom a good idea.
    Unless, of course, you’re named Clinton or Kennedy or Pelosi or Schumer or Waters or Jackson-Lee or Lewis or Cummings or Booger or Ocasio-Cortez or … well, you get the picture.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Well I got news for all vegans, you’re going to die too maybe sooner than us meat eaters. Deal with it. Tomorrow it’s steak on the barbecue, on top of hot carbon polluting Kingsford briquettes. I pour practically 1/2 can of carbon polluting lighter fluid on top of the briquettes. I let the flames burn the fat off of the grill first adding more carbon and smoke to the atmosphere. When hot enough that big ass beef steak is going to get burned! I’ll yell at it BURN BABY BURN! 🙂 I’ll enjoy every bite lifting my fork to all the vegans in the world! Thank God for farting cows!

  7. Many years ago, my starter wife was a vegetarian, and so I knew a lot of them. She had one friend who had what I’ve always thought was a very reasonable approach to his diet. He was a salesman, and had a lot of business lunches and dinners, and did not want his vegetarianism to become even close to a focus of conversation. He’d simply order vegetable dishes without comment, frequently a large garden salad with bread. He said that the worst place for a vegetarian to eat was a seafood restaurant; even steak houses had more non-meat dishes.

    So, if he found himself at a seafood place he would order “as low on the evolutionary scale as possible. Usually scallops. I learned to look at a scallop as simply a fast radish.”

    He was OK in my book. More than OK, actually.


    …reverse seared ribeye for dinner. Cook on a rack in the oven at 250 until probe thermometer says 225 (medium rare).


  8. Humans are omnivores. Celebrate diversity, right?!
    . OR
    Eat whatever you want, spare me the preachiness.
    You don’t like octopus, or beets, or…. GOOD! More for me!

  9. @Lazlo The Elder March 24, 2019 at 8:42 pm

    > Her ‘lifestyle’ was killing her, but she’s sorry for backsliding in her religion

    She’s not the only one.

  10. Hitler was a vegan, too.

    Curiously enough, he “cheated” with liver dumplings.

    Never caught on camera, though, so he had nothing to apologize about.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Look, I’ve had this conversation with so many times with so many people. There are different kinds of vegans. There are ethical vegans who are in reality are just leftist social justice warriors who are trying to control people’s actions. These vegans with an agenda are the most vocal and therefore receive the most attention.

    But there are also a whole silent group of vegans who are whole foods plant-based diet for health reasons. These are the colon cancer survivors and those who are fighting coronary artery disease. My wife is one of those. Her family has a strong genetic inclination towards colon cancer and heart disease. It has been definitively proven that meat and dairy are the primary causes of colon cancer and heart disease. Not the only cause, but the primary cause.

  12. “Not the only cause, but the primary cause.”

    No disrespect, and heartfelt sympathy to your wife, but are you implying that there is 100% causality? That NO vegan/vegetarian – in the entirety of human existence – EVER suffered from either of these illnesses? That seems a tad preposterous, statistically improbable, and factually impossible to determine.

    Peace, brother, but that statement appears indefensible.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. You posted exactly what I said. “Meat and dairy are the primary causes of heart disease and colon cancer.” That’s all I said. You are adding your own preconceptions to my statement and then telling me that it is indefensible. That is a textbook strawman argument.

  14. MPS,
    No straw-man involved.
    “Primary cause” as in “first causality” as in “cause and effect” means cause, or “prime mover” or “origin.”

    Not sure what part you don’t understand or why it would piss you off.

    If you know the “cause” or the “primary cause” of colon cancer and arteriosclerosis, I hope you make a fortune off the cure.

    “Can’t we all … just get along?”

    izlamo delenda est …

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