Leah Remini Describes Retaliation She’s Faced After Leaving the Church of Scientology – IOTW Report

Leah Remini Describes Retaliation She’s Faced After Leaving the Church of Scientology

CBN: Actress Leah Remini has not been able to escape the critical eye of the Church of Scientology, even five years after leaving.

Remini, now hosting the third season of her Emmy-winning A&E show “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath,” claims private investigators from the church continue to stalk her.

“They have [private eyes] following our cameramen and our editors. They’re not used to that kind of thing, especially from a place calling itself a church.”

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13 Comments on Leah Remini Describes Retaliation She’s Faced After Leaving the Church of Scientology

  1. L Ron Hubbard is full of shit and was very a bad hack pulp fiction writer. Kilgore Trout AKA Kurt Vonnegut’s altar ego wrote better and funnier stuff than L Ron Hubbard ever did. How any one can fall for that crap is beyond me except to say if you don’t believe in God you have to believe in something. I had a so called friend when I was in my teens who tried to get me to read Dianetics, I didn’t fall for it because I thought it was crap.

  2. I place Hubbard at the same table as Mohammed, Joseph Smith, and Mary Baker Eddy, etal who all “mysteriously” came up with religions that deceive followers into forsaking the world to give all to them and make them god receptacles on earth. Even the catholic church will allow you a semblance of your own life.

    Hubbard gets extra credit beause he boasted before hand that he could do it and he did. How can anyone take these people seriously?

    If you are a Jack Reacher fan you know that Tom Cruise is about 18 inches too short to ever be him. He soils the books with his sissy man acting.

  3. I had a buddy in the Navy who was into Scientology.
    Went to a meeting with him, mostly to shut him the fuck up.
    Stupid, is as best I can describe it and told him so, he quit asking, we fell out.
    Never sorry to see him pass out of my circle.
    Travel the universe, yeah, it’s called a book and imagination.

  4. Racketeering, kidnapping, identity theft, fraud, extortion, blackmail, murder.

    Clearwater, FL ought to be surrounded and taped off as the crime scene that it is.

    There are plenty of Youtube videos out there of what happens when people leave the cult and try to expose it. They brainwash people, and specifically target famous people, who don’t believe in anything into believing in them and forking over all of their money and property. It’s not a small list:


    It’s a cult with a talent agency.

  5. What’s happening to Remini demonstrates why cults are so vile and dangerous. The evil-demonic, warped ideology, manipulative, criminal traits are crucial to their existence. Anyone brave enough to escape and expose a cults lies is a threat. Cults are relentless in keeping gullible people decieved. Hopefully, Remini has a real relationship with God through Christ and a great common sense security plan. She’ll have to deal with this Scientology cult for probably the rest of her life.

  6. Hansen, “by their fruits you shall know them”.

    Yor post had me remembering the old Sesame Street clip “which one of these is not like the other”.

    If I could choose my next neighbor and it was from a pool of: a Muslim, mormon, scientologist I say give me the mormon everytime.

    Speaking from experience the make swell neighbors.

  7. There will always be predators like scientology looking to get rich and laid by exploiting lost people. The fact that famous Hollywood types are invloved is the real scandal.


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