Leak Names Top Democrats Linked to Hunter Biden’s Shady Deals – IOTW Report

Leak Names Top Democrats Linked to Hunter Biden’s Shady Deals

Neon Nettle-
Several high-profile Democrats have been linked to Hunter Biden’s shady foreign deals in an explosive new leak.

Hunter Biden’s laptop has revealed numerous lucrative dealings that have put America’s national security at risk, leading millions of Americans to question Joe Biden’s integrity.

However, Joe Biden is far from the only politician listed as a potential target for the Bidens’ influence-peddling operation.

According to an investigative journalist familiar with the laptop’s contents, numerous powerful Democratic figures are linked to Hunter Biden’s activities.

Hunter Biden’s associates frequently boasted about their close relationship with “senior political figures” in the U.S. and foreign “oligarchs.”

Among those “figures” are now-Vice President Kamala Harris, California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, and many others. MORE

16 Comments on Leak Names Top Democrats Linked to Hunter Biden’s Shady Deals

  1. WOW, the MSM will do some serious digging on this! I bet those libs are scared now! This is like throwing an elephant carcass into a den of hungry lions. The media will be on this like stink on shit!

  2. Sorry about the negative vibes, it’s just tough to see more stories of the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS behaving in their own interest instead of our country’s interest that have already been told and buried that I can’t hardly be hopeful anymore.

  3. Come on.
    Does anyone here need to read Hunter’s Laptop to figure out who he is working with, who protects him, & who installed his father?

  4. @Kcir ~ if it sways millions of people, it’s done its job
    if it persuades a million people, it’s done its job
    if it persuades 100k people, it’s done its job
    if it persuades 1k people, it’s done its job
    if it persuades 100 people, it’s done its job
    if it persuades 1 person, it’s done its job

    we need all we can get in this fight .. sometimes it takes only one
    … any ONE is welcome

  5. @ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ NOVEMBER 30, 2021 AT 11:48 PM

    You are 100% correct. It only Takes one.

    And one of these traitors needs to be tried, convicted and but to death under the laws of the United States of America.

    These people are all weak little simps that will fight like hell while one of theirs is spilling all of the beans to save their own life, but when that person is convicted and executed, maybe the reset that truly needs to happen will happen.

    The people that are given up in the trial will try to seek refuge in other countries like the Nazis did, but hopefully we will pursue them as hard as the World has the done for the Nazis.

    If we don’t start fighting back at least a little, we have no hope. And 98% of the “conservatives” in Washington are not willing to fight back.

  6. I don’t know how this could be used to get rid of Kameltoe, without also ridding us of Joe, and the media and the Chinese would never allow that to happen. At least until they are ready.

  7. Not surprising especially since the dowdy and talentless harris woman brought nothing to pedophile-supremacist Biden’s table except her flabby butt and chinese operative-conspirator-spy husband.

  8. Harris resigns, F Joe Biden nominates either Hillary or Michelle/Michael as vice president, F Joe Biden resigns when his dementia is so bad they have to plant him in the White House garden along with the other vegetables. Hillary gets to be President or even worse the hulking, racist, America Hating, commie, master of the dick tuck, Michael/Michelle shambles into the White House again. It’s like we are living in a horror story with no end in sight.

  9. All this talk of getting rid of this person, that person. Who exactly, is going to make that happen?

    Name one branch of government, one entity, one alphabet agency that is not totally corrupt? The notion that an administration rife with corruption will use information such as this to remove one of their own, is in my estimation, ludicrous. They can’t use this information without implicating themselves.

    The media could care less and those of us that do have been rendered powerless. If you think we’re not, remember the people rotting in jail over January 6th.

    Am I being extra cynical, fatalistic this morning? That’s up to you to determine but from my vantage point it’s reality.

  10. Anybody e-mailed this to the FBI, yet?

    If they aren’t too busy chasing knots in garage pulls, that is …
    or falsifying evidence for some FISA court …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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