Leaked Assange Messages Pour Cold Water On One Trump Collusion Theory – IOTW Report

Leaked Assange Messages Pour Cold Water On One Trump Collusion Theory

Daily Caller: One theory of President Donald Trump’s campaign collusion holds that longtime Trump pal Roger Stone worked with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to release Democrats’ hacked emails during the 2016 presidential campaign.

A new leak of private Assange messages pours cold water on that idea.

In private Twitter messages exchanged in Aug. 2016, Assange referred to Stone as a “bullshitter” who falsely implied in public statements that he was communicating with WikiLeaks, The Intercept reported Wednesday.

“Stone is a bullshitter,” Assange wrote to an associate in a private group chat.

“Trying to a) imply that he knows anything b) that he contributed to our hard work,” he added.

Assange was responding to a news article that quoted Stone claiming he was in contact with Assange.

“I actually have communicated with Assange,” Stone told a group of Florida Republicans on Aug. 8.

Stone, a longtime Republican operative who has known Trump for 40 years, made other cryptic comments suggesting he had foreknowledge of WikiLeaks’ release of emails stolen from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta.

WikiLeaks began publishing Podesta’s hacked emails in Oct. 2016. In July, the group dumped 20,000 emails that were stolen from the Democratic National Committee. The U.S. intelligence community believes the Russian government orchestrated the hacks and used WikiLeaks as a cut-out.  more here

4 Comments on Leaked Assange Messages Pour Cold Water On One Trump Collusion Theory

  1. If Stone was a real player, he’d have gotten FISA-snooped.

    And this…

    “The U.S. intelligence community believes the Russian government orchestrated the hacks and used WikiLeaks as a cut-out.”

    A narrative currently being pushed hard by the utterly corrupt Senate Intelligence Committee, despite the FBI never being allowed to look at the DNC server, and solid evidence that the data transfer rate from the DNC server to the download device indicates a local device a leaker would use, such as a thumb drive, and not a theft of data from an overseas hacker.

    They are going to cling to the myth of massive Russian interference in our elections right up to election day 2018. If the Dems do well, the narrative will be smothered with a pillow. If the GOP does well, the narrative will be turned back up to 11.

  2. The issue is what is in the emails. All they show is the dirty dealing of the democrats. Whoever leaked them did the voters a favor. The democrats have always made heroes of leakers in the past. Not so much this time.

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