Leaked Audio: Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Berates Staffers – IOTW Report

Leaked Audio: Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Berates Staffers

GP: Leaked audio of Texas Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee berating her staffer using foul and abusive language was obtained and published by Current Revolt on Saturday.

Earlier this year Sheila Jackson Lee announced her bid for Houston Mayor from a church. Current Revolt dropped the shocking audio about two weeks before the mayoral election.

The audio feed goes for about a minute and a half. In that time, you can hear Sheila Jackson Lee using continuous foul and abusive language and it becomes even more aggressive toward the end of the recording.

“I want you to have a f***n brain.” “Both of y’all f*** ups!” “F***in idiots, serve no G**Damn purpose!” more

28 Comments on Leaked Audio: Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Berates Staffers

  1. S.J.Lee’s very existence is an affront to each and every human being on planet Earth. She is one of those despicable creatures who continually does shameful things and yet is incapable of shame. She’s right down there with Hillary C. and Maxine W.

    Plus, she’s stupid and she’s ugly.

  2. This woman(?) just learned a value lesson re: the dangers of affirmative action hires, a lesson every American learned a long time ago when they become victims of crimes. When you hire based on skin color and not competency, bad things happen. Her staff is shit because they are a cross-section of her constituency, dumb-ass folks who can’t do jack but still expect to be taken care of because, you know, institutional racism.

  3. I suspect that she epitomizes the behavior and the language that the majority of clowngresspersons’ use on anyone not able to be used to give them more money, grifting opportunities, bribes, or free stuff.

  4. “[Ovide] Duncantell founded the Black Heritage Society and the original Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade. He was a key figure in making sure the African-American community was better represented in Houston politics.”

    Ovide Duncantell…At first, I thought it was a pharmceutical launch event. But instead, it’s an important event in her Houston mayoral campaign. Jerome and the other dimb m—rf—r be getting fired for messing that up.


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