Leaked audio surfaces of John Sullivan admitting Antifa and BLM involvement in Capitol siege – IOTW Report

Leaked audio surfaces of John Sullivan admitting Antifa and BLM involvement in Capitol siege

Citizen Free Press has the audio- more here

13 Comments on Leaked audio surfaces of John Sullivan admitting Antifa and BLM involvement in Capitol siege

  1. pelosis’ commission hasn’t convened yet but has already determined that it was white supremicists and maga people. They will recommend re-education, gun confiscation, job loss, removal of children, forced labor and some executions.
    IOTW commenters will be on “THE LIST.”

  2. Anonymous>
    There is no such thing as ‘privacy’ any more. Your IP address is unique to your computer. By your claim, that puts you on a list somewhere. A pseudonym or lack of doesn’t give you any special secret identity any more. Fear mongering only puts you on the RINO side which is ready to bail on constitutional rights. Idle leftist threats should be faced head on.

  3. He directed a snuff film and profited from its sale.

    Those provocateurs pushed to the hallway outside the Senate chamber. They broke the glass out of the doors and while pistols were visibly pointing from the chamber to those doors and warnings being shouted at them, they boosted that woman through to be shot, then they ran away and changed their appearances. This happened in the presence of Capitol Police, who outnumbered them and were heavily armed.

    We will never be allowed to know what happened there or who was involved.

  4. I’m going to contact every corrupt Senator who blamed PRESIDENT Trump this link and tell them to get ready for a MAGA beatdown. We all already knew this. They did too but this was also an inside job orchestrated with dems and RINOs.

  5. @Jerry

    They Know. They are either in on it, or are trying to capitalize and jockey for position in what they fail to realize is a party that Trump can & will turn against them.

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