Leaked DHS Document Reveals Biden’s Mass-Migration Plan Offers ‘Broadscale Release Mechanisms’ – IOTW Report

Leaked DHS Document Reveals Biden’s Mass-Migration Plan Offers ‘Broadscale Release Mechanisms’

Randy Clark

The Department of Homeland Security is disseminating a mass migration plan devoid of removal mechanisms to replace the soon-to-end CDC Title 42 emergency order. The plan predicts that DHS traditional processing capabilities will be overwhelmed and require an increase in the use of “broadscale release mechanisms.”

The plan, reviewed by Breitbart Texas, acknowledges the end of Title 42 will likely result in a surge in illegal migration along the southwest border. The increase is already manifesting itself as apprehensions rise. In March, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 200,000 migrants.

The draft plan, recently circulated to senior DHS staff, is dated February 17, 2022. A source within the agency, not authorized to speak to the media, says the plan offers no concrete options other than to exhaust more resources to absorb what will likely be a historic wave of migrants at the southern border.

The source says the agency is already exceeding temporary detention capacity at most facilities and the plan will likely mean more holding space will be needed. Cost estimates to operate one temporary facility exceed $5 million per month, according to the source. more

4 Comments on Leaked DHS Document Reveals Biden’s Mass-Migration Plan Offers ‘Broadscale Release Mechanisms’

  1. They have to do everything on the sly because almost nobody would go along with it if it was out in the open. These people are the most villainous, treasonous, mouth breathers that ever drew a breath.


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