Leaked Documents: Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release Coronaviruses Into Cave Bats 18 Months Before Outbreak – IOTW Report

Leaked Documents: Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release Coronaviruses Into Cave Bats 18 Months Before Outbreak

Team Tucker Carlson: Chinese scientists wanted to genetically engineer coronaviruses that were more infectious to humans and then conduct experiments on live bats about 18 months before the first COVID-19 cases emerged — but a US Department of Defence agency rejected the funding proposal, leaked documents reveal.

Scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were planning to genetically enhance airborne coronaviruses and release aerosols containing “novel chimeric spike proteins” among cave bats in Yunnan, China, according to the 2018 proposal submitted to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

They also planned to alter coronaviruses to infect humans more easily by introducing “human-specific cleavage sites” to bat coronaviruses.

The purpose of the research was to assess the risk of coronaviruses, work on ways to prevent outbreaks and even vaccinate bats against the virus, according to the proposal.

The proposal was spearheaded by New York City-based EcoHealth Alliance — the nonprofit headed by British scientist Peter Daszak that has previously funneled federal funds to the Wuhan lab for bat coronavirus research.

But the $14 million grant ended up being rejected by DARPA over fears it could result in gain-of-function research, which could make a virus more transmissible and pathogenic. more here

21 Comments on Leaked Documents: Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release Coronaviruses Into Cave Bats 18 Months Before Outbreak

  1. During the Wuhan military games (WTF!!!) in September 2019 covid-19 was INTENTIONALLY released by the rat bastard chinks to the world.

    Our military brought it back to the USA in the Fall of 2019. (Nellis AFB)
    I contracted the virus in Las Vegas, December 3rd, 2019.

    This is inarguable…it is FACT!

  2. “The purpose of the research was to assess the risk of coronaviruses, work on ways to prevent outbreaks and even vaccinate bats against the virus, according to the proposal.”

    I’m sorry, but the proposal that — basically — “we have to create monsters in order to learn how to fight monsters” concept is bullshit. The tactic might be scientifically valid, but it’s also unbelievably dangerous when put into practice. And even THAT is assuming no ill intent on the part of the researchers, which I don’t think you can honestly say about the ChiComs. I think we got incredibly lucky this time in that Covid turned out to be so benign, relatively speaking — next time could be so much worse.

  3. If this truly were the age of enlightenment, the age of information, and the age of science then every single person on earth, not just in the United States, but on the entire planet, would be to answer this one question:
    What does the covid coronavirus do in the body?
    We are two years into this and the modus operandi should be especially known to the so-called professionals.
    Because it is not broadcast on the news, touted by every politician, and sung by each and every medical staff then it is absolutely and abundantly clear that no one is following the science. And that the people in charge literally do want you to die (and no this is not a statement of hyperbole).
    How does covid cause the health problems?
    It breaks apart the iron-oxygen bond in the hemoglobin.
    A person has oxygen in the system but because it is not bonded with the iron then the various body parts cannot utilize it.
    This is what sets up the asphyxiation and hypoxemia symptoms.
    Why does the HCQ, Ivermectin, Quercitin, & Vitamin C help alleviate the symptoms?
    They protect the blood cells by helping to build a stronger barrier around it so that the virus can not get in to the blood cell to do the voodoo that it do so well.
    When the treatments are combined together they create a great counter punch to prevent the attack, then the body itself has the time to go into action and create the anti-bodies and kill the virus for good.
    Ya still got the flu and feel gross for several days, because that’s what the flu does!
    But at least you can breathe and your body won’t go into shock due to lack of oxygen.
    This is the tragedy of forcing patients onto ventilator machines and attempting to force oxygen into their systems.
    The person is breathing, they are getting oxygen into their system but because it isn’t bound to iron it is useless. Intubating people is a hope and a prayer that it can “drive in” more oxygen, which can be done with a simple airline (cannula).
    So when a persons oxygen levels don’t increase (shock and awe I wonder the f(*&# why) they increase the oxygen by increasing the air flow and pressure. Basically the medical staff is blowing out a persons lungs.
    I so can’t wait for all of these family members to start class-action law suits against all of these hospitals for medical malpractice and medical malfeasance.
    Every single hospital staff member, all the way down to the janitor, should have known well over a year ago about the iron-oxygen bond being broken.
    And you treat the problem not the symptoms.

  4. “…the nonprofit headed by British scientist Peter Daszak that has previously funneled federal funds to the Wuhan lab for bat coronavirus research.”

    Last time that nonprofit was headed by German scientist dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz-Dachau.

  5. So … elements of the gov’t KNEW the facts before the outbreak and allowed it – encouraged it – paid for it.
    Fauci was, not only aware, but involved.

    Where the Hell is the FBI and the DoJ? Oh … I remember …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I guess none of this will be in the new documentary about Fauci:

    “NYT Politics
    “Fauci,” a new documentary, follows the renowned infectious disease specialist’s work in two health crises: AIDS and the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Fauci agreed to participate as long as it didn’t interfere with his work.”

    Hope it comes out posthumously.

  7. Hambone – Fauci is a mass murderer!

    It’s that and more! Fauci is a cog in the democRAT machine that is essentially China waging a social and biological war against the United States using this bought & paid for administration with Jackass Joe as the figurehead. They are fanning the flames of division and hatred through the “News” and Social Media and have deliberately and maliciously created a petrie dish of squalid filth on our Southern border. They are using it to cultivate disease which is then distributed out to targeted states. This is all intentional disguised as incompetence. The enemy is among us.

  8. -Menotu- You have touched on the core issue of modern medicine, “Treat the symptom, don’t fix the problem”. Because if you fix the problem, there won’t be repeat customers. And repeat customers is what medicine, these days is ALL about.

  9. Leaked Documents: Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release Coronaviruses Into Cave Bats 18 Months Before Outbreak

    How do we know they didn’t release it in a bat? Does anyone believe anything that comes out of China, CDC, WHO? We’re paying them to kill us! WTF!

  10. It absolutely AMAZES me how much the definition of “scientist” has changed in my lifetime !! Remember when you could rely on the integrity of a scientist’s word?!

    Liars, murderers, ‘social justice warriors’, climate change con artists…
    they are all militant advocates of “Science”.


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