Leaked GOPe Strategy Memo: Be Trump-like (Even If You Have To Fake It) – IOTW Report

Leaked GOPe Strategy Memo: Be Trump-like (Even If You Have To Fake It)

He’s On To Something…

trump arms

15 Comments on Leaked GOPe Strategy Memo: Be Trump-like (Even If You Have To Fake It)

  1. The preening peacocks of politics will never speak their minds off script. They are enamored of that pretentious suave, de-boner, and sly mealy-mouthing of insipid platitudes and stale cliches adored by the “press.”

  2. I check over at Conservative Treehouse every morning as they post a link to any speech Trump has given the night before. I enjoy listening to him as I get ready for my daily visit with the iron-his speeches are like none I’ve heard before.

    This week I’ve heard a couple and I have to say he’s toned down a bit. He has Q&A after these speeches and it’s very personal. Sometimes he brings them onstage-today he had a little boy come up and a woman fashion designer who lamented there is no more Made In America clothing, wow that got Trump off on a 10 minute rant about how he will make America Great Again! He still is lampooning Jeb! and he’s very candid-I don’t know how anyone can’t love the guy.

    He plays to 10s of 1,000s every week, a fact I point out to supporters of other candidates and the best they can come up with is, hey Obama had big crowds too, how’d that work out? Sheesh.

  3. From the document, quoted at the link: “Voters are on to you when you do the standard walk and talk through a business, school, or factory”

    Remember ‘Gill Fullbright’, or Philup Mymouthwifarts’?

    He beautifully illustrated that “standard” walk and talk.

    Yeah, we’ve seen that shit.

    And we’ve seen you, establishment candidate and incumbent. It’s a shame they don’t know exactly how angry everyone outside of the Beltway is with them.

    Anger is the parent of rage. Rage is one of the very few things that make history books interesting.

    I mostly wrote this for the ones in the RNC, the FBI, the DHS, oh hell, all those who have tasked interns with watching sites like this right here.

    I honestly hope none of the above are dragged out of bed to be convicted of treason and hanged. It traumatizes your family.

    Truly I do.

  4. An example of a Trump-style tweet:

    “Accept only the genuine Trump. The rest are cheap imitations. Probably made in Malaysia. Buy American!”

    It’s easy to do once you get the cadence and emphasis down.

  5. I believe this is a memo addressed to Repugnican SENATE candidates, not for those running against Trump….jus’ sayin’

    “Be more Trump-like”…..makes sense to me

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