Leaks Reveal Mike Turner’s Alarm on ‘Serious National Security Threat’ Related to Russia – After Speaker Johnson Kills Senate Bill with Ukraine Aid – IOTW Report

Leaks Reveal Mike Turner’s Alarm on ‘Serious National Security Threat’ Related to Russia – After Speaker Johnson Kills Senate Bill with Ukraine Aid


20 Comments on Leaks Reveal Mike Turner’s Alarm on ‘Serious National Security Threat’ Related to Russia – After Speaker Johnson Kills Senate Bill with Ukraine Aid

  1. Any and every American politician who has traveled to Kiev is corrupt and compromised. No exceptions. There’s no better litmus test at the moment, other than travel to Epstein Island. If you’re in the middle of that enn diagram you should be in a cold, damp, dark cell, listening to the hammers and saws of those building your gallows.

  2. It’s been an open secret for years that we have no counter to Russia’s hypersonics, will not have one have one for years and may never catch up, either in offense or defense. And we’ve known that Iran had hypersonics. If they’re trying to “leak” this as a bombshell, they’re more pathetic and desperate than I thought.

    Russia is not the threat to our national security. Our national security apparatus is the threat.i hate being manipulated by cynical and contemptuous people whose only motivation is the acquisition and retention of power during their own lifetime, no matter how extreme and ridiculous their methods may be, but here we are. Again.

  3. “It’s been an open secret for years that we have no counter to Russia’s hypersonics,”

    Every leading defense manufacturer will tell you the same. Hypersonic weapons are a waste of time and money. It’s only a matter of time before we can shoot them down. And low and slow will never be detectable. Pretty sure we can defeat them now.

  4. The idea we’re threatened by Russia is leftist bullshit to cover for the real threat to America: Communist China. China owns an enormous amount of American leaders lock stock and barrel. Russia? Not a threat at all.

  5. Putin could just flatten Ukraine, that may be what they’re going for.
    I bet the war is far away from the oligarchs and could care less how many die.
    As long as the money flows.

    Add these name to your RINO list:
    1. Mitch McConnell (KY), 2. John Thune (SD), 3. John Boozman (AR), 4. Shelley Moore Capito (WV), 5. Bill Cassidy (LA), 6. Susan Collins (ME), 7. John Cornyn (TX), 8. Kevin Cramer (ND), 9. Mike Crapo (ID), 10. Joni Ernst (IA), 11. Chuck Grassley (IA), 12. John Hoeven (ND), 13. John Kennedy (LA), 14. Jerry Moran (KS), 15. Lisa Murkowski (AK), 16. Jim Risch (ID), 17. Mitt Romney (UT), 18. Mike Rounds (SD), 19. Dan Sullivan (AK), 20. Thom Tillis (NC), 21. Roger Wicker (MS), 22. Todd Young (IN)

  6. Russia wiping out Ukraine would be great and welcome news. Exposing all the US bioweapons labs, Fauxi’s ties to all of them, the entire Biden Crime Family moneylaundering schemes, and those of the Graham, Pelosi, Romney, etc. families as well would just be icing on the cake. Certainly NO emergency.

  7. A faded General just now on msNBC
    Looked worse than Biden
    Had friggen toy soldier lead figures on crystal shelves
    (No chit, check that I LUV ME Wall out. I bet it extends across multiple rooms and walls)
    This General was talking about how much America owes NATO and we have treaties signed in our blood that we would defend them forever and a day and just send your cash and we owe we owe so off to work you go.

    He NEGEGLECTS to state this salient point

    Ukraine is NOT in NATO

    So WTF FOX, msNBC and CNN?
    What are YOU really after here?

    oh, right

    Just send CASH

  8. Brad, not sure that “every leading defense manufacturer” is the mist unbiased source of info on their competitor’s products, but I hope that you—and they—are right.

    I am not optimistic, though, because our leading defense manufacturers have been desperately trying to field a hypersonic missile for years, and they continue to fail. We even have the ugliest ships ever built, the Zumwalt class, ditching their useless rail gun (Whatever happened to those?) mounts and installing hypersonic missile launchers. Which have no missiles to launch, and probably never will.

    In a way, it makes perfect sense that our leading defense manufacturers would belittle and dismiss a technology which they cannot duplicate at any cost, and take comfort in the “low & slow” stuff they can produce, no matter how obsolete and ineffective it may turn out to be in battle. Ukraine is revealing a lot of flaws and weaknesses in a lot of the gear we were told was top of the line.

  9. Why worry about hypersonics when you can just float a big balloon with spy gear or bombs or flashing lights on the side that say “Vote for Joe” across all of America without our military knowing or giving a damn about it.

  10. When you own the Presidency, Vice Presidency, House, Senate, and SCROTUS you don’t need any secret shit, at all.
    Enter your Army and their weaponry, or supply weapons from the US Armed Forces, through the southern border and have them wait.

    No need for all that fancy-pants bullshit.

    There should be little doubt that Putin and Xi are in cahoots – even if it’s a suspicious, passive cahoots – against the Retarded Pedophile Usurper and America.
    Plenty of meat will be left on the carcass for both.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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