Leaving the Democrats – IOTW Report

Leaving the Democrats

American Thinker:

[…] Now, my parents were Roosevelt Democrats who fed on the nightly news: Huntley-Brinkley, Walter Cronkite.  That was the source for news.  In their minds, republicans were the evil ones trying to take away their VA benefits promised to them in the 50’s.  They believed the nightly news.  There was no internet, no counterpoint.  When I reached adulthood, we argued over politics a lot more than we should have.  My Mother actually believed the SPLC was a conservative organization.  We believed the same things really as she espoused conservative positions, but she thought the Democrats had her back on it all.  I swore to my mother I would never vote for a party that would put a damn bird above a human.

It has only gotten worse.

5 Comments on Leaving the Democrats

  1. That is a poignant essay — well worth reading. He describes the reality of too many Americans.

    We cannot waste this opportunity to crush the Democrats and send them back to the Hell they are trying to turn the U.S. into. Serious as a heart attack. If we don’t make a decisive stand against them, they will have their way — by hook and by crook. This has gone on for far too long.

  2. Excellent piece:

    “I am now called racist, homophobic, misogynist, and Islamaphobic. A gun-toting, Bible-believing bitter clinger. A deplorable. A white nationalist. Nazi. I can’t remember all of my Democrat party subtitles.

    But I am middle class. I have been given nothing by our government and have given too much to it. And it always wants more, telling me I have to pay my fair share. It is a sad state when you get to a point in life of maximum dollars earned that it is taken away by higher tax brackets and the loss of deductions.”

    Need said more?

  3. I watched and understood the spotted owl was just pretext to shove independent minded loggers into the government dependency trap when I was in my teens. The Goddamned do-gooders were in every small mill town in the Pacific Northwest acting as fucking high and mighty as they pleased with their re-education camps set up therein were basically just programming people to become future Democrats. They ostensibly were there to save the unfortunates, but everyone knew the score.

    The hatred they incubated through their arrogance and condescension just dripped from the populations.

  4. It’s pointless to debate issues with these people because they don’t know the facts. They aren’t interested in being disabused of their belief’s by any information that runs contrary to their emotional baby blankets.
    We have few options in dealing with these people when trying to reason with them hits a wall.

  5. I meet many Dems that really hold conservative values. They just don’t see they are voting against them with the Dem party. Plus, they are filled with lies about what a conservative is – thus keeping them from truly aligning themselves with, and voting for, their conservative values.

    It’s like some kind of mass hypnosis.


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