Leaving The Left, My #WalkAway Story – IOTW Report

Leaving The Left, My #WalkAway Story

Here’s my #walkaway story. I hope this rings a few bells. Share with a friend, and give it a thumbs-up if you like it. Thanks, Dave.

13 Comments on Leaving The Left, My #WalkAway Story

  1. I don’t hate the guy. Just have contempt and refuse to give a pass to these fucks. They had an entire lifetime to get it together and only now see the light since it illuminates their social security check.

    From hells heart I stab at them… ect… that’s my deal. Unrepentant Bastard 1st Class.

    So yeah, happy to have their votes, but they can fudge off.

  2. I guess I can never tell my story about how I walked away from the Dems. in 2008.
    I would never be allowed to comment here again.
    I hope more are coming over to our side we need them.

  3. Dora the Explorer said it best, “What took you so long?”

    There’s hope that sometimes even slow learners can find their way to the exit door labeled “better late than never”. Open it & walk through.


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