LeBron James and CNN’s Ana Navarro mock Kyle Rittenhouse for crying at his trial – IOTW Report

LeBron James and CNN’s Ana Navarro mock Kyle Rittenhouse for crying at his trial


PM: Following Kyle Rittenhouse’s emotional testimony on Wednesday, NBA star LeBron James mocked Kyle Rittenhouse for his emotional outburst, suggesting it was fake.

“What tears????? I didn’t see one,” wrote James.

“Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court,” he added, with a slew of cry-laughing emojis. more

32 Comments on LeBron James and CNN’s Ana Navarro mock Kyle Rittenhouse for crying at his trial

  1. If either of those two had gone through what Kyle went through, they’d be crying, too. And not just about facing crazy evil people trying to kill them. They’d also be crying over seeing video of themselves on YT pissing and shitting their pants.

  2. These 2 egomaniacs consistently showcase their malignant narcissism on twitter. They are arrogant, entitled and lacking the moral character to be able to muster the slightest amount of empathy for others, especially those they consider to be “lesser” than them (which is pretty much everybody) or of differing political beliefs.

    Alan Dershowitz stated on a show tonight that he believes the prosecution is now intentionally trying to get the judge to declare a mistrial (sabotaging their own case by violating the judge’s rules of evidence) because they know the facts prove that Kyle is innocent and there was never a valid case for prosecution to begin with based on all the evidence. They don’t want it to go to the jury because it is so obvious that Kyle is innocent of any homicide related charges that the jury would almost surely acquit him if their decision is evidence based. A mistrial (without prejudice) would allow them to persecute Kyle further using the legal process as the punishment by bringing the same charges against him again.

  3. I just saw the best take so far from anyone on this case. Tucker Carlson eloquently summed up (with a blow torch) how things went down with the first man shot in self defense by Kyle. The best clip I’ve seen today. The idiots at Town Hall wrongly called Rosenbaum a victim in the title – Tucker did not.


  4. What must be kept in mind when considering how willing the left is to condemn Kyle Rittenhouse is that for the last couple years they have been living vicariously through the actions carried out by the participants in these riots.

    When Kyle used a fire extinguisher to pit pout the fires, that was their fire that Kyle extinguished. When these three miscreants were stopped from committing violence on Kyle Rittenhouse their alter ego was stopped from committing violence on Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle Rittenhouse used deadly force against their alter ego and in two instances killed their alter ego.

    They will use such phrasing as: I don’t support the rioters, and am not sympathetic to their actions, but I can understand their motivation, that is nonsense and diametrically opposed to the truth.

    They are taking this personally, because it is personal to them. What they are afraid of is Kyle Rittenhouse stood up to THEIR bully tactics and if Kyle Rittenhouse is not punished for attacking them they are worried that their days of unchallenged bullying are numbered. Every fucking one of them believes in bully tactics, there isn’t a Goddamn one of them who is not an aspiring tyrant and if there is one a bully cannot tolerate it is anyone who will actually stand up to them.

  5. Nobody wants to hear what I have to say about these two retards, they’ve already thought it themselves. Funny though how a NY Mexican is on the same page as a Chinese rapper.

  6. Does LeBron even have a high school education?
    I seem to recall all the pics taken of him reading books that were always the first page.
    He is an athletic specimen no doubt, yet dumber than a box of rocks.
    ANYONE that validates his opinion on ANYTHING but dribbling a ball is just as stupid as that giant idiot.
    Go fuck yourself LeBron.
    You are a rich, pampered moron.
    Pound the rock, get ya nigga ass paid AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

  7. that little fucker wasn’t crying. he was faking it because he is scared of going to jail and getting buttfucked. i hope that fucker do go to jail. he went there to kill someone and then went to a bar laughing and talking about it. the judge or anyone didn’t even offered him tissues or anything. not a tear in site. lebron was right, he was faking. all you fuckers out there using the n word can kiss my ASS.

  8. The James and Navarro lowlifes are the types of degenerate people who abuse children, elderly, handicapped, and animals. These societal rejects can be found on virtually every street corner.

  9. Not only King of egos James and pie face Navarro, the Mirriam- Webster Twat account word of the day was crocodile tears.

    These twatter posts will not age well.

    I bet at least the CCP pawn has paid security so he will never have to defend himself.

  10. @Anonymous
    NOVEMBER 11, 2021 AT 8:42 AM
    Lock the cry baby trigger happy killer up & throw away the key.

    Can’t! Tow of them are dead and the other doesn’t have a forearm!

  11. So says lebron, master of the LA Floppz!
    How many times have we seen you flopping onto the court floor pretending to be hurt; scowling & crying?!? How many times? Too many to count.
    If fact, everything about you is a fraudulent.

  12. The kid’s only 18 and in a fight for his life in front of the entire world.

    We can’t expect compassion for those in favor of murder of the unborn and who admire and defend China.


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