LeDuff: With Cuomo Gone, Perhaps The Spotlight Will Turn To Whitmer And Michigan’s Nursing Home Deaths – IOTW Report

LeDuff: With Cuomo Gone, Perhaps The Spotlight Will Turn To Whitmer And Michigan’s Nursing Home Deaths

Deadline Detroit-

Just a few days before Gov. Gretchen Whitmer disembarked on her secret flight to Florida last March, on a billionaire’s private jet, she took time to make a quick CNN appearance, this time to weigh in on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s mushrooming cloud of sexual harassment accusations. 

“These are serious allegations,” she told host Jake Tapper. “If accurate and true, I think we have to take action.”

The report is in and the Creeposaurus from Queens is out – though Cuomo said he needs two full weeks to pack his bags.

It’s my guess that Whitmer, the next most overexposed governor in America after Cuomo, will now get her turn under the interrogation lamp.

It’s worth remembering that Cuomo’s troubles didn’t gain traction when his first accuser, former aide and Manhattan borough president candidate Lindsey Boylan, posted a series of tweets about it last December. 

It was the coverup of nursing home deaths, and the damning report issued by New York Attorney General Letitia James – showing the Cuomo administration had underreported them by 50 percent – that set his fall in motion.

In a thuggish effort to keep a lid on the scandal, Cuomo called in February to threaten State Rep. Ron Kim, a Democrat from Queens who was busy bathing his children.more

15 Comments on LeDuff: With Cuomo Gone, Perhaps The Spotlight Will Turn To Whitmer And Michigan’s Nursing Home Deaths

  1. Nah. She will be spared.
    After all, she is part of the (allegedly), Sisterhood of Vag Filled Pants.
    The other two counterparts in the trio of terror will close ranks around her.

  2. The FBI hasn’t possessed the ability to conduct a “real” investigation for years. They are just in the protection racket with the democrats who weaponized the agency.

    Biden is the laughing stock of foreign policy.
    The FBI is the laughing stock of Law Enforcement.
    general Milley is the laughing stock of the Military.

  3. She’s trying to get rid of my County Sheriff. He is investigating vote fraud and spreading horrible ideas about the US Constitution that people actually will have to think. That just can’t stand!

    I want this witch out now. I signed a petition that the SOS finally was forced to accept, but we’ve heard nothing yet.

  4. Fact is the reason when Democrats didn’t pursue impeachment against Cuomo is that it would have also focused on the fact that he purposely sent multitudes of elderly to their deaths. The pollution in that party is so deep that they would sooner kill their mothers rather than have spotlights on their political collaborators who committed similar crimes in their states. Evil always protects other evil and uses deceptive means to hide.

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