Lee Smith – The FBI May Not Be Burying the Evidence Against Joe Biden, The FBI May be Using it as Leverage Against the White House – IOTW Report

Lee Smith – The FBI May Not Be Burying the Evidence Against Joe Biden, The FBI May be Using it as Leverage Against the White House

CTH: In this podcast interview between former HPSCI Chairman Devin Nunes and journalists Margot Cleveland and Lee Smith, the discussion begins with the recent revelations provided by Senator Chuck Grassley about audio tapes as evidence in the Biden bribery scandal. {Direct Rumble Link}

As the story has unfolded, the Confidential Human Source who tipped off the FBI to Joe Biden taking bribes from foreign governments, also claims to have audio tapes of himself talking to Joe Biden about the issues when Biden was vice-president.  The FBI has been sitting on this Biden bribery knowledge for multiple years.

The most common opinion of the FBI motive was their intent to burying or capture negative information about Biden.  However, with the institutional corruption of the domestic national security apparatus being very visible within DOJ and FBI, Lee Smith ponders whether the FBI/DOJ might be holding back the Biden bribery material as part of their leverage against the White House.  It is an interesting angle to consider. WATCH:

21 Comments on Lee Smith – The FBI May Not Be Burying the Evidence Against Joe Biden, The FBI May be Using it as Leverage Against the White House

  1. Well, yeah, but isn’t that exactly what people thought Hoover did? And that was how many decades ago? If the upper layers of the FBI are bad they’ve been that way for decades.

  2. Demented pedo stooge/puppet installed by Dominion, owned by Chicoms, directed from the shadows by UN, WHO, NWO groups, supported by lapdog media, compliance enforced by the FBI.

    They’re still after Trump. He must have scared them really bad.
    …And Cankles is still on the loose.

  3. not buying it … they’re trying to give the FIB ‘plausible deniability’

    if the FIB withheld this for any reason it’s dereliction of duty, at the least.

    you have evidence that the Vice-pResident of the USA is taking bribe …. & you sit on it??? … at the very least, you need to investigate!!!

    … as the sitting President, at that time, suggested … & got impeached for it (with the FIB’s compliancy)

    then the FIB ignores:
    Hunter Biden’s laptop
    Hunter Biden’s felon firearm violations
    Joe Biden’s China bribes
    & numerous other congressmen & senators accepting the same

    … not to mention all the Hiltary coverups
    guess that was another FIB cya operation too.

    & if this is what they do …. it’s time to dismantle them & incarcerate these traitors at Club Gitmo (yeah, we all want to see them hung … fat frickin’ chance … I’ll settle for Federal ‘Pounding In The Ass’ Prison)

  4. JD ~ well now, bless your heart. aren’t you the brightest little bulb in the drawer!

    I can point to numerous folks that have posted practically everything I just wrote (many, many times over, on every sort of subject btw), but I’ll gladly give you the credit & recognize your greatness for everything every one of us has posted from here on out …. ’cause, as you’ve so correctly pointed it out, you said it first! my sincere apologies for not seeing your post on this particular thread (I really don’t have the time to research if anyone else here has posted the same thoughts on another thread … today, or any other day)

    btw, do you keep score? wow!

    I bow to your wonderfulness

    (yeah, I’m in that kind of mood tonight … maybe I’ve had too much to drink, or not enough, or not at all … or maybe it’s just you being bitchy … or maybe it’s me being thin-skinned … or maybe you weren’t even addressing me & if so, I apologize … any way I still enjoy most of your posts & look forward to your posts in the future … enjoy your time here & happy trails)

  5. When you consider all bureaucratic alphabet agencies are positioning themselves to benefit under the current power/intelligence vacuum, it makes a little sense.

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