Left Media Panics, Declares Trump-District Candidate Laura Loomer ‘Could Actually Get to Congress’ – IOTW Report

Left Media Panics, Declares Trump-District Candidate Laura Loomer ‘Could Actually Get to Congress’

The Big Tech censorship of Republican Congressional primary candidate Laura Loomer appears to have failed in tipping the scales against her Florida campaign, with new polling and financial numbers showing Loomer with a significant lead.

The 26-year-old Jewish woman, a broadcast journalism graduate from Barry University in Florida, has scarcely let big tech censorship and media bias stand in her way.

Shooting to fame after handcuffing herself to the doors of Twitter HQ after a number of anti-First Amendment bans against her, Loomer has outraised her political opponents financially and appears to hold the favor of “MAGA” stalwarts, President Trump included.

In early December, the President of the United States retweeted a donation call from one of Loomer’s supporters.


DONATE to Laura’s campaign here.

Laura wrote to @Mr_Pinko today
Today I was supposed to be in DC giving my oral argument in front of a panel of judges at the DC Circuit Court of Appeals regarding my lawsuit against Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Apple.

But oral arguments were canceled because of COVID.

I have been waiting over a year to have my moment I’m court, and it’s canceled for now.

Let’s pray it all works out.

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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14 Comments on Left Media Panics, Declares Trump-District Candidate Laura Loomer ‘Could Actually Get to Congress’

  1. If the Leftists get too vocal and loud in their opposition to her it will just increase her popularity on the right and make it more likely she wins.

    You’d think they’d have figured that out by now from the way it has worked for them with their attacks on Trump.

  2. Unfortunately she’s running in Palm Beach County, in a District I know all too well. I have first hand on-the-ground campaign experience with that area from back in the 80s when it was just beginning to turn blue. Brutal.

    I wish her success. In the event she wins, it’ll only be because the libs, illegals and deceased didn’t turn out in numbers or miscounted ballots needed to stuff the box.

    Just donated to her campaign though, with the hope she can pull this off.

  3. wait a cotton pickin’ minute!…

    Laura Loomer is on a personal basis with Mr Pinko? The guy that finds her very attractive and desires her?

    I’m thinking: …sitting in a tree, Kay Eye Ess Ess Eye IN Gee!

    You’re almost there, Pinko!



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