Left or Liberal? – IOTW Report

Left or Liberal?



Tell the average American you’re a liberal and they’ll assume you’re on the political left. Yet, leftists and liberals hold very different positions on key issues. In this video, Dennis Prager explains how the tenets of liberalism like a belief in capitalism and free speech have more in common with conservatism than with the identity politics and racial resentment preached by the left.

5 Comments on Left or Liberal?

  1. Look no further than antifa as the difference between liberals and leftists. There is nothing liberal about antifa; they are the brown shirts of American society. No dissent is tolerated, violent oppression is celebrated, and this group would destroy America for their own aggrandizement unless they are first destroyed.

    To a large extent, liberals and conservatives are more alike than different. True liberals and true conservatives largely agree on the same goals; it is the method of achieving those goals where the primary differences lie. Leftists, on the other hand, do not have the same goals as either liberals or conservatives and seek to destroy individual freedoms, destroy national identity, promote class warfare and exert total power over the common citizen. This is not to say that liberals and conservatives are the same – we are not – but both need to get rid of the leftists.

  2. So liberals are trying to wrest their noun and ideology away from the Left, right? I know there has been a groundswell of people making the distinction. Good luck! You didn’t object while the Left took you over.

  3. Liberalism is the gateway drug that leads to hardcore leftist addiction.
    Sometimes, getting a hit of the left’s destructive ideology scares straight a liberal and they eventually – #WalkAway.

  4. “Liberal” comes from “Liberty” and is another word appropriated by the socialists to obscure their lust for tyranny. Just as “Left” originally (Tennis Court Oath) meant “Republican” (as opposed to “Monarchist”) and “Republican” was later stolen and bastardized by the Spanish Socialists in 1937 – all in an effort (quite successful, by the way) to confuse and muddle – as we now have “red” states to signify “Republican” and “blue” to signify socialist; where “red” has been the color of socialism and Bolshevism for more than a century.
    (Red Star, Black Swastika on Red Background, White Constellation on Red Background, Red Hammer and Sickle, Red – for the color of Blood – the foundation of all socialism)

    Confuse, bamboozle, lie, deceive, wrest power, and, ultimately, execute opponents and less-than-lukewarm co-conspirators.

    No hidden history – the depredations and mass-murders of socialism are evident to those who get off their lazy asses and read. Our “educational” system has done a marvelous job at making somnolent zombies of our youth – moronic, drivelous, nose-picking, chanting, sloganeering, fist-pumping, gender-fluid, amoral, insipid consumers of froth unable to discern fact from fiction.

    Oh, well, this is why we get old and die – the world becomes too absurd.

    izlamo delenda est …


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