Left Slams Pelosi & Hillary for Still Pushing ‘Trump-Russia’ Conspiracy Theories – IOTW Report

Left Slams Pelosi & Hillary for Still Pushing ‘Trump-Russia’ Conspiracy Theories

Neon Nettle:

Senior Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have been slammed by the Left for continuing to push debunked conspiracy theories about President Donald Trump colluding with Russia.

The pair has sparked outrage from both sides of the aisle after recently peddling the anti-Trump Russia hoax during a podcast interview.

In an interview with Speaker Pelosi that aired on her podcast “You and Me Both,” Clinton suggested that her 2016 rival had “other agendas” while serving as president.

Hillary went on to accuse Trump of being Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “puppet” and predicted that the truth will eventually be known. 

“I hope, historically, we will find out who he’s beholden to, who pulls his strings,” Clinton said.

“I would love to see his phone records to see if he was talking to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin the day the insurgents invaded our Capitol.” more here

8 Comments on Left Slams Pelosi & Hillary for Still Pushing ‘Trump-Russia’ Conspiracy Theories

  1. …Ford pardoned Nixon so the County could move on and quit gazing obsessively at its own political navel, and was vilified for it.

    They’re not going to do that THIS time.

    …guess we’ll find out if Ford was a genius after all…

  2. Maybe we could hear about Pisslosi’s MAFIA background and Clinton’s hit squad background. These lying old crones think they are above us civilians. They have been around way too long peddling their bullshit. Just because sleepy Joe is president doesn’t mean they are protected. Hell, ol’ senile Joe doesn’t prolly give a rat’s ass about these two. I pray for our beautiful Country. May God help us.


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