Left-Wing Journalist Glenn Greenwald Exposes the Diversity Scam Run by Democrats – IOTW Report

Left-Wing Journalist Glenn Greenwald Exposes the Diversity Scam Run by Democrats


Left-wing journalist Glenn Greenwald is taking aim at the diversity scam run by the Democrat Party after a series of unhinged attacks on journalist reporting on a powerful woman’s finances.

Greenwald is repulsed by Democrats for throwing around the woman card to deflect from news that former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen received millions of dollars from corporations to give speeches after departing from her position as the nation’s top central banker. Yellen is “president-elect” Joe Biden’s choice to return as Fed chair.

He pointed out the rank hypocrisy in the attacks:

11 Comments on Left-Wing Journalist Glenn Greenwald Exposes the Diversity Scam Run by Democrats

  1. Yeah, yeah, yeah, not even going to read the article. I’m tired of the Glenn Greenwalds, Jonathon Turleys, Alan Dershowitzes, and other token libs who call out liberal hypocrisy but remain democrats.

  2. Up yours Larry. He will always the presidunce defect and retard as well as as a cheater from a scumbag political party that I wouldn’t trust with anything. I hear joey needs a court jester, you should apply for the job you moron. Or maybe the lamestream false news media already have that job.

  3. @stirrin the pot

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, not even going to read the article. I’m tired of the Sean Hannitys, Mark Levins, Rush Limbaughs, and other Real Conservatives who call out Conservative hypocrisy but remain Republicans.

    I fixed that for ya, You’re Welcome

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