Left Wing New Orleans Mayor Declares War on History – IOTW Report

Left Wing New Orleans Mayor Declares War on History

Mayor Landrieu has no concern with the law. He is hell bent on becoming the Mayor who removed the Confederate monuments. Never mind that his four African American predecessors did not bother with such an agenda.

Town Hall: It is quite ironic that the liberal Democrat Mayor of New Orleans, Mitch Landrieu, is trying to erase uncomfortable parts of the city’s rich history while simultaneously preparing to celebrate the tri-centennial next year. A world-renowned city known for priceless architecture and monuments is becoming less interesting, all because of Landrieu’s insatiable political aspirations.

The march toward political correctness began early Monday morning at 1:30 a.m. as masked men in unmarked vehicles with no license plates removed the Liberty Place Monument. It will be the first of four Confederate monuments removed in New Orleans. All of them were declared “nuisances” by the New Orleans City Council in a 6-1 vote after unrelenting pressure from Landrieu. The Liberty Place monument is now being stored in an unknown location. The Mayor has not announced any final plans on what will happen to the monuments or the sites where they were displayed.

There was no transparency in this action as the public has not been informed who paid for the removal or what company was involved. In fact, the Mayor used public employees for this project, a questionable use of public resources for a cash strapped city.

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12 Comments on Left Wing New Orleans Mayor Declares War on History

  1. Richmond, the capitol of the confederacy has Monument Avenue with many statues. I predicted right after Dylan Roof, that the only statue remaining will be Arthur Ashe, who’s statue looked silly looked silly Amongst the gener the generals

  2. And we have NIKKI HALEY to thank for ALL THIS BULLSHIT! That stupid bint started the ball rolling when she demonized the STARS AND BARS and all the Rebel flags had to come down.

    I’m fucking fed up with all the PC BULLSHIT!

  3. Appropriate that the city of filled with corruption, crime, blasphemy and murderers, the author used the words “hell bent”.

    Just another pandering, corrupt mayor in the Landrieu fashion.

  4. as a proud descendant of the Confederate General who lost the Defense Of New Orleans during the War Of Northern Aggression, I am saddened by Landrieu’s autocratic decision to attack our Southern Heritage.

    While I can see removing the White People’s monument, a clearly racist monument. But if Landrieu touches any other monuments that are directly related to Confederate war heroes, he’s going to have a hell of a fight on his hands.

    And Jackson Square? I’ll bet even the local NAACP comes out against removing Jackson’s statue.

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