Left-wing pagan activist arrested after threatening to shoot Republicans – IOTW Report

Left-wing pagan activist arrested after threatening to shoot Republicans


CFR: On Wednesday, 9News reported that 54-year-old Fern Roberta Delise was arrested and booked into the El Paso County Correctional Felony after reportedly calling a Planned Parenthood facility and telling them she’s tempted to “walk into a Republican Party meeting with her dead husband’s gun and just start shooting people.”  Read More


16 Comments on Left-wing pagan activist arrested after threatening to shoot Republicans

  1. Walk into a room full of Republicans and she can be assured they will shoot back.

    I’d LOVE for her to try that at my workplace. I’d have a great story for The Armed Citizen in the NRA magazine….

  2. It’s always some unhinged progtard cunt whose too dumb to hide the real intent of progressives. They simply want to murder anyone who doesn’t think the proper thoughts. They think if they cover up that agenda with words like “peace”, “love”, and “social justice” no one will notice that wherever progressives go, chaos and violence soon follow.

  3. The ACLU, Shaun King, this nut job… I think we can all agree that the threats to kill Tromp supporters is enough proof for gun control we can agree on. No registered demoncrat or liberal anywhere in this country should be allowed to possess any kind of a firearm or weapon.

    And since they claim not to want or need one anyway, how could any demoncrat senator or congress rat oppose such a bill? Lets propose legislation banning ownership by them as a challenge to see if they really believe what they say.

    Why hasnt any politician challenged them as a show of good faith to present and surrender ALL of their firearms for immediate destruction?

    Bueller ??? Bueller ???? Anyone….. Bueller ?

  4. This just shows one of the biggest and primary disconnects between a conservative and a ProgLibTard.

    A conservative is willing to live and let live, and allow others the same, (shameless quote theft here) as long as it doesn’t pick his pocket, break his leg, or steal his freedoms.

    A ProgLibTard wants everyone to march to the same drum under Big Gooberment. And they’re willing to kill you if you even THINK about disagreeing.

    Now, in my religion, this is called The Council in Heaven, where Lucifer and Jesus argued their respective cases before Father, about who should be the Savior of this world.
    Lucifer argued that everyone would be forced to obey all laws, and would therefore be eligible to return to Heaven. But all the glory and worship would go to Lucifer.
    And we all know (or should know) what Jesus’ plan was, and how THAT particular court case turned out.

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