Lefties make ‘handbrake U-turn’: Yesterday’s COVID-19 ‘conspiracy theory’ is now ‘perfectly feasible – IOTW Report

Lefties make ‘handbrake U-turn’: Yesterday’s COVID-19 ‘conspiracy theory’ is now ‘perfectly feasible

Video at SkyNews:

Sky News host Rowan Dean says “yesterday’s conspiracy theory” about the Wuhan lab leak theory is now “perfectly feasible and highly likely” despite being previously dismissed as “heresy”.

“Long before anyone else was talking about it secretary Pompeo also told Outsiders about his suspicions that the bat soup story was baloney and the virus had leaked from a Wuhan biotech lab,” Mr Dean said.

“Facebook and social media were soon censoring anyone who dared even suggest the virus came from a Chinese biotech lab, and, of course, the devious American COVID adviser Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, dismissed any such suggestion, presumably because it came from Donald Trump.

“Now, a year later, Facebook and all the lefties have done a massive handbrake U-turn, and what was yesterday’s conspiracy theory is now perfectly feasible and highly likely. MORE AT VIDEO LINK.

9 Comments on Lefties make ‘handbrake U-turn’: Yesterday’s COVID-19 ‘conspiracy theory’ is now ‘perfectly feasible

  1. I remember within about a week seeing a long video that talked about gain of function experiments at Wuhan Institute which spiked viruses with some outer shell modification, all done by the bat lady and partially funded by the NIH.
    This video guessed there was a leak from the lab.
    I remember commenting that there was just too much detail for this all to not be true.
    It was true.
    Then we all had to watch the Democrat Media Mafia lie to us for the following 15 months.

  2. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” — George Orwell, 1984

  3. How many other labs are operating in China ?
    Only Wuhan ? Bio weapon labs in China run
    24/7/365. Yard Gnome Fuchi helped the evil Chinks
    grow aborted baby hair on the backs of rats.
    You kill God’s creation and then grow the child’s
    hair on a dirty rodent ?


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