Leftist cabal’s sleazy plan to blacklist Trump-supporters blows up in their faces – IOTW Report

Leftist cabal’s sleazy plan to blacklist Trump-supporters blows up in their faces

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

It looks as though the Trump Accountability Project, a vile, literally fascist scheme to hound and persecute former Trump supporters big and small in the presumed post-Trump era, is shutting down.  It had been touted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and former Pete Buttigieg spokesman Hari Sevugan as the next order of action.  According to Breitbart News:

The Trump Accountability Project, which targets supporters of President Donald Trump by adding them to a list and “holding them accountable” after the election, has announced that it is “no longer active.”

As of Nov. 12, the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, featuring a photo of Obama-era migrant cages, they had this declaration on the front of their site:

We must never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda.

We should welcome in our fellow Americans with whom we differ politically.


17 Comments on Leftist cabal’s sleazy plan to blacklist Trump-supporters blows up in their faces

  1. Shutting down? They are just slinking back to the dark sulfur scented hole they inhabit. The list will be there, ready when their plans come together.

    But God sees them.

  2. Making outrageous suggestions then pulling back and next they’ll come out with something similar that sounds not quite so bad.
    Always pushing, these hive minded Borg Commies.

  3. They are the type of human scum that are always ready with torture, barbed wire and 3 AM kidnappings all in the name of some nightmare kind of “justice” kept in their warped minds.

  4. The death penalty is the only way to assure they never return.
    These people are so vile we are running out of words to describe the depth of their evil thoughts and deeds.


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