Bumped- Leftist Media Gloats as DeSantis Echoes Their Sentiment Denying the 2020 Election Was Stolen – IOTW Report

Bumped- Leftist Media Gloats as DeSantis Echoes Their Sentiment Denying the 2020 Election Was Stolen

BFH update-

Here are headlines-

NBC – DeSantis says election fraud theories promoted by Trump ‘did not prove to be true’

The Hill – DeSantis says 2020 election fraud theories ‘did not prove to be true’

NY Magazine- Ron DeSantis Renounces Trump’s Craziest Election Lie

Seattle Times- DeSantis Dismisses Trump’s 2020 Election Theories as False

Politico – DeSantis calls Trump’s 2020 election theories ‘unsubstantiated’ – POLITICO

WaPo- DeSantis says Trump’s stolen-election theories were all false

NY Post- DeSantis swipes Trump in Iowa over ‘unsubstantiated’ 2020 fraud claims

Rolling Stone- DeSantis Finally Admits Trump’s Election Fraud Claims Are BS

Salon- Not even DeSantis is buying into Trump’s 2020 election theories

The Independent – Ron DeSantis says Trump’s claims of stolen 2020 election weren’t ‘true’

What did DeSantis actually say?

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Friday that his chief rival Donald Trump pushed “unsubstantiated” theories of widespread voter fraud following the 2020 election, issuing his sternest rebuke yet to the former president and 2024 Republican primary frontrunner.

“The election is what it is. All those theories that were put out did not prove to be true … It was not an election that was conducted the way I think that we want to, but that’s different than saying [Venezuelan President Nicolás] Maduro stole votes or something like that,” DeSantis, 44, told reporters in Iowa, referencing one notorious theory circulated by the 45th president’s legal team which stated voting machines in key states had been hacked and results changed.

“And I think those theories, you know, proved to be unsubstantiated.”

I cannot find video of DeSantis saying this. But here is the challenge to people who are all-in for DeSantis.

If DeSantis did in fact say this, is this a disappointment and an indication that he thinks Biden won the election fairly?


Discern Report: As is always the case when discussing candidates our audience might support, I’m certain to make a lot of people angry for posting this. Specifically, I will make supporters of Ron DeSantis upset, but I’m simply reporting two facts.

First, the 2020 presidential election was stolen. The mountains of evidence, videos, impossible statistics, and sworn affidavits from eyewitnesses tells us this. Joe Biden getting more votes than anyone ever, including more Black votes than Barack Obama, tells us this. Our common sense tells us this.

Second, Ron DeSantis believes Joe Biden won fair and square. I don’t need to convince anyone of this because he said it himself today. And while I stand shocked and very disappointed in a man I know, a man I generally like, leftist media is wallowing in it like pigs in mud. Here’s Rolling Stone: more

115 Comments on Bumped- Leftist Media Gloats as DeSantis Echoes Their Sentiment Denying the 2020 Election Was Stolen

  1. Why make up fake quotes to denigrate an opponent?
    Why play the leftist game?
    If he isn’t that much of a threat why bother telling outright lies about the man?
    I can find multiple records of DeSantis calling out all the problems in the 2020 election.
    Hell Brett Bair asked him about it just last week.
    RDS talks about ballot harvesting being illegal in Florida, taking a week to count votes, changing voting laws without the legislature, signatures ignored, etc.

    Like I said, nice try…

  2. The quote from the article, regarding whether or not the election was stolen: “Those theories, you know, proved to be unsubstantiated.”

    Either RDS said it or not. If the quote is accurate, he is toast. According to the polls, he is anyway.

  3. DeSantis is his own worst enemy! Everybody in the press wants him to kick Trumps ass, but he can’t help but kick his own ass! He needs to drop out before he torpedoes his 2028 chances.

  4. Like I said, DeSantis said he would pardon Trump.
    Why pardon someone you think lost fair & square?
    See, your lies make zero sense.

    PS, might not want to tell lies about the man.

    PPS, still waiting on that “easy to find proof” Brad…

  5. “He said it. It’s easy to prove.”
    “He said it. It’s easy to prove.”
    “He said it. It’s easy to prove.”
    “He said it. It’s easy to prove.”

    “He said it. It’s easy to prove.”
    “He said it. It’s easy to prove.”

  6. Go down with the ship, Donny is ready & willing to take as many casualties as he can, please drink from his cup. Fake man with fake claims dies slow oh so slow death. Spewing hate has consequences, for there are those who are more than willing (Twist the knife) to end his spew of hate.

  7. Why won’t DeSantis publicly say that the 2020 Presidential was stolen, or NOT?…..HUMM HUMM HUMM?….and what’s his opinion about the travesty of the Arizona governors race?….HUMM HUMM HUMM?….grab an opinion poindexter and take a stance!….

  8. Loco, I didn’t reference the article. I only said the MSM wants him to kick Trumps ass, then I said that he can’t help but kick himself in the ass. I followed that up with advice to drop out before he torpedoes his 2028 chances. DeSantis would be well advised to endorse Trump ASAP, drop out of the race and be Trumps biggest cheerleader. He won’t be VP but he could set himself up to be a very viable 2028 candidate.

  9. joe6, what MSM actually wants DeSantis to kick Trump’s ass?
    Seriously, who are you talking about?
    The MSM HATE RDS as much as Brad.

    DeSantis is the top guy in 2028 already.
    He’s got that locked up.
    He will be governor until January 2027.

  10. @Loco

    May I ask you a question, good sir?

    And to save time, I’ll assume you’ll say yes. Pardon my presumption.

    Anyway, what exactly are you trying to achieve with your rants about RDS? I get that you are a supporter, but it comes across as a club to the head in what seems to be an overall like minded community. I’m a bit perplexed. 🤔

  11. Why should RDS drop out now?
    That would be assanine.
    If Trump goes down for whatever reason, you are stuck with Nikki.
    Or Pence?
    The chosen R-POC?

    The 1st debate is in three weeks.
    He’s #2 and will likely be the HNIC on the stage if HNDT doesn’t show.
    He will certainly be the most powerful man on stage currently in office even if DJT shows up.

  12. Loco, granted the MSM would rather see a card carrying communist, but Trump is undeniably enemy #1. The MSM believed RDS to be Trumps biggest threat in the primaries so they initially were backing him big time. You can’t deny that. If in the unlikely event RDS was to beat Trump the MSM would have their dream election, another bush republican or a communist democrat. Either way they win, we lose. Time to wake up an smell the coffee!

  13. JB-H,
    I’m acting as iotw community notes like Twitter has when it comes to RDS.
    Loco fact checker extraordinaire…

    I hate lies coming from our side.
    I hate when the left does it but I expect that from them.
    The hate for RDS is irrational.
    The man does nothing but win for conservatives.

    The author of this post has to make up a quote to stir up the shit.
    If the man is so bad you shouldn’t have to make things up like “fine people” from the left.

    Like I said, do people want to be lied to as long as it fits their agenda?
    I certainly do not.

  14. Finding this whole exercise pointless, and having better things to do on a Friday night, I’ll just say that I find it hilarious, no strike that, scary as shit, that 2028 is even mentioned.

    32 Trillion in debt, millions of illegals invading our southern border, a president bent on getting us into world war 3, a weaponized justice system that is putting all its political enemies in jail, a currency that is becoming worthless, an international community that views us as a laughing stock, wholesale industries being regulated out of existence, and a culture that thinks gender is fluid, God is dead, and that white males are the real enemy, all this manifesting itself right before our eyes, and you think we can just hold on until 2028?

    The country is burning to the ground now, it is now or never.

  15. joe6 I never ONCE saw the MSM backing RDS.
    I saw nothing but hit pieces.
    In fact I can find many “RDS is worse than Trump” articles.
    “RDS is worse than Hitler” search will garner a million replies.
    Please send me any links from the MSM fawning over RDS.
    I never ever read one.

    They plan on taking out Trump, they don’t need RDS to do that.
    They don’t want RDS, they want a Pence or Nikki, fits their idea of a “good” republican and easy to beat…

  16. I agree that DeSantis should not drop out of the race. I also think that he should nip the Trump bashing in the bud. * The following is predicated on if he actually said the things he’s been quoted as saying —–He’s not going to win doing that. The people who back Trump are digging in deeper for him with every attack the left throws at him. DeSantis piling on makes him look like part of the leftist attack machine. If his judgement is that fucking stupid it makes me wonder about his situational awareness. I’m not making a judgement on whether he is right or wrong on facts, I am making a judgement about his judgement.

  17. OK Fur I’ll bite…
    When did RDS “pile on”?
    Serious question.
    I’ve seen him come out blasting unequal justice, the dirty DOJ, FBI, swamp all week.

    Pence has been running his mouth but RDS has come out against the swamp and said he will end that shit if you elect him.

    All I can say is you guys need to leave the Q echo chambers you inhabit…

  18. Easy Brad…..I’m backing your opinion of DeSantis denying election fraud….It’s all over in my lifetime unless Trump is returned to the Whitehouse. It really doesn’t matter much for me as I’m in a place of self reliance where I don’t have to interact with many people that I don’t care to be around……

  19. from what I see the only thing that DeSantis may have said was:
    ““It was not an election that was conducted the way I think that we want to, but that’s different than saying Maduro stole votes or something like that. … Those theories, you know, proved to be unsubstantiated.”

    you notice that these are two different sentences, possibly spiced together to create a narrative that the Globalist Media wants to portray. these quotes could have been easily taken out of context. I take anything quoted or said by any repub candidate by ‘Rolling Stone’ or the NYSlime w/ a grain of salt. For all we really know, by this article, is that DeSantis said something referring to something that we can’t substantiate.

    he definitely did not say, by this article, “… Joe Biden won fair and square.”

    he also said, according to the NYSlime “theories that were put out” following Trump’s election loss “did not prove to be true.”
    which sounds almost exactly like the first quote’s last sentence, just tweaked w/ a bit of wordplay. so, it kinda looks like there’s something deliberate going on there.

    btw, I believe any repub that out & out denies voter fraud in the 2020 election is either stupid or in on the fraud … same as the D’rats

    … & it is becoming increasingly hard for me to read these articles that omit so much, for me to believe anything they say, one way or another. have we dumbed down so much that we instantly believe anything printed or videoed & posted on the ‘net without any evidence to back up it’s claim? … I know, Rhetorical Question

  20. “I agree that DeSantis should not drop out of the race.”

    Honestly the guy hasn’t missed one mistake. He should drop out now because the Bushes will make sure he can’t get elected dog catcher by 2028. The dudes a fool.

  21. Being a Judge Judger might not be a bad gig.

    Lord Protectorate of Canada went nowhere, so why not give this a shot.

    I applaud your judgement in this matter.

    And I adjudge Desantis as being irrelevant.

  22. I agree with you Molon. Without video and context I am not going to put a shovel to DeSantis.

    BUT, what if he actually did say Trump lost in a fair election, and all his claims are whiny bullshit? (paraphrasing, but you get the idea.)

  23. Loco,

    I hear ya. Shit’s gotta get done, right? Just remember honey works better than vinegar. just sayin’

    All that aside, you being an RDS supporter, do you call FL home? If so, greetings neighbor. Baldwin Co., AL is my home.

  24. RDS actually went after voter fraud in Florida HARD.
    He busted some low level douchebags to send a message.
    He only has control in Florida.
    He is on record talking about problems in the 2020 election so making up quotes is ridiculous.
    It’s designed to divide.
    RDS would be a good ally to have if Trump makes it back to 1600.

  25. I’m dropping the gavel down on this one.

    It’s going down….. I’m super serious….final judgement……


    Check back in two months with a new applicant. And make sure she has tits.

  26. About two months before RDS declared his candidacy there was a barrage of articles, mainly on left wing publications, about the timing for running for President, And boy, if you miss this opportunity you may not get another. So he caved and ran. So his problem with guys like me is what actually are his political values. Because it seems to me he just through all of them out the window. Like I say. I haven’t totally written him off, but he’s got some splaining to do.

  27. Like I said Fur, Trump is basically the incumbent.
    He had what, 75 million actual votes?
    If he DOESN’T get the nom it would be a big fucking deal.

    RDS is the insurance policy.
    He’s in the race just in case.
    We don’t need Nikki as the last man standing.
    Hell, many dems fear RDS so much they want to pump the brakes on jailing Trump.

  28. @Fur ~ “BUT, what if he actually did say Trump lost in a fair election, and all his claims are whiny bullshit?”

    well, I don’t have a dog in this hunt. I not a registered repub & I can’t vote in my State’s primary, so my opinion is basically irrelevant to the debate about Trump vs. DeSantis, just chiming in that folks shouldn’t jump to conclusions that they want.

    buuuuuut, I will support a dog catcher over the D’rat nominee come Nov. 2024.
    (what little good it will do … election laws haven’t changed where they need to change, so it will be an exercise in futility, I’m afraid)

  29. A man of honest repute could go on the networks and declare that the 2020 election was stolen for Joe Biden, almost stolen for Hillary, voter integrity is fubar, Arizona was stolen from Kari Lake…etc….When DeSantis says such statements, then and only then will I believe he’s not just a politician stroking the blond hairs on my legs….

  30. “You know Fur, Brad wrote “He said it. It’s easy to prove.”
    Why don’t you simply ask Brad?”

    I’ve been reading the same things BFH linked. If you guys don’t consider that proof I’ll see what else I can find. Mean while, Loco. You did the same thing with Ted Cruz. The most fanatical Trump supporter will eventually tell you about something that bugs them about Trump. Dude you are fucking fanatical. You need to go talk to some one. And I’m not trying to be an asshole here. What the exact fuck is going on? RDS will not adopt you. This is beyond strange bro.

  31. I can’t believe you’re all still here wasting the courts time on frivolous matters.

    Appeal to a lower court, I have a tee time to get to.


  32. Brad, RDS in the interview with Brett Bair did in fact annoy me.
    He uses “at the end of the day” ENTIRELY TOO MUCH!

    Dude, I was yelling at the screen, say “ultimately” or “in the end” or “it will come to be”
    His lovely wife needs to sit next to him in the next interview and kick his shin every time he says that.

  33. Here you imbecile… willysgoatgruff AT 10:35 PM
    Hey Loco….Do you like your crow well done with a tantalizing garlic sauce…https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/desantis-says-election-fraud-theories-promoted-by-trump-did-not-prove-to-be-true/ar-AA1eNU2

  34. Willys, I eat crow when it is properly prepared, seasoned & served.
    You served a dead rat.
    Your article is shit.
    Did the Kraken EVERY materialize?
    No, no it did not.
    Hell Trump doesn’t even mention Sidney anymore.
    I don’t want my prez telling lies about a Kraken.
    The stakes are too damned high!

    Nice try though. LOL

  35. One more question:
    Do ALL republican candidates have to tow The Kraken narrative?
    Is THAT the litmus test?
    Does Trump still talk about the Kraken?
    I haven’t heard him do so?

    *Asking for a sensible electorate that has a chance in hell of winning 2024…

  36. The Logan act?

    Keep your X-Men out of this court.

    :pushes reading glasses up on forehead:

    Counsels, look, no one is denying your case on lack of merit. It’s simply irrelevant. This is August of 2023. Again, file a petition in a few months or so. In the meantime, appeal to a lower court. Fur runs a nite court for traffic citations, appeal to him.

    In the meantime, the bailiff and I are going trap golfing.

  37. I 100% know the election was stolen and I’m pretty confident that Republican establishment have been stealing primary elections since machines starting counting votes.
    I talked until I was blue in the face to those in my state legislature trying to get them to strengthen our voter ID laws and to get rid of the machines counting votes. I made a vow that until that happens I will be a registered Independent because Republicans refuse to fix our elections.
    I caved and voted last year in the general election, but I haven’t caved on registration, so I won’t be voting in the primary.

    I have issues with Trump, many issues and I was on his bandwagon from day one and voted happily for him the first time, rather reluctantly the second time. My issues are his poor judgment starting with Pence and many in between like Barr. I couldn’t stand Covid Trump and I trust not one person who says the covid shot is great.

    With all of that said, if Desantis said this he’s an idiot. I am not one who bashes him because I think he’s done some very good things for Florida and stood up to the right people. I haven’t liked at all how many on our side has bashed him relentlessly. Doesn’t mean I trust him though, I trust nobody running for even dogcatcher anymore. I will also say if he did say it then he’s ended any hopes of ever being President.

    Regardless of how any of us feel about Trump now, we all know they stole the election. We watched much of it with our own eyes.

    I honestly don’t think it matters, they will do what they want to do. Look at what they’re doing to Trump and nothing has changed with our elections.

    I’m sure come 2024 I will vote in the general election and will vote for the Republican again unless it’s Pence, Haley, Hutchinson, Scott, Christie or Hurd and I will stay home if that’s the case.

  38. Yes Willys, RDS did NOT buy all the claims.
    Oh no!
    If the Kraken is true, where is it?
    See, many of the claims became a fatal distraction.

    Fact is, there was not enough time between the election and January to discovery all the real cheating.
    Therefore Sidney was a dumb, ridiculous distraction.
    Sentient folks get this, why can’t you?
    Nuance is not your strong suit evidently…

  39. Desantis should know better than try to buddy up to the Lame Stream Media, if by some chance he wins the nomination they will turn on him like a pack of wild dogs.

  40. Thing is, RDS will deliver Florida for Trump in 2024 if Trump survives the deep state.
    Of course, I am a vindictive SOB and I would tell Trump to pound sand for all the lies he told about me.
    RDS is a better man and is concerned for his young children.
    God bless him and his lovely family.

  41. Oh fer Gosh sakes….all of this this legal talk makes me want to see Marissa Tomei naked and stomping her foot in my general direction, with a 1962 Cadillac convertible idling in the background….

  42. Wild Bill, please show me a SINGLE INSTANCE of RDS “buddying up to the lame stream media”
    Seriously, show me a single FACTUAL instance.
    He eats those motherfuckers for breakfast.

    I swear I’m in the Twilight Zone alternative universe tonite.
    Good grief!

  43. I’m sorry Burr, but the bailiff can’t turn the lights off of Loco…..It’s like shooing away a Tse Tse fly away when he finally sees some Tse Tse’s even when he knows the Tse Tse’s are a hologram….

  44. Fine. Whatever. Help me find the right starter motor for my bus.
    Then I have some framing to do after my golf game.

    A Judges life is hardly glamorous.

  45. “joe6, that bill was paid.”, Loco that right there is your problem! You must think that every day starts with a clean slate. That is not the case. You have a track record, and people have memories. RDS is not building a long term support network.

  46. ORWW ~ bless you girl. you said everything I said, much more succinctly.

    you ain’t my wife, are you? … if you ain’t, you sure are soul sisters

    & if you are, I don’t want to be in the same room w/ both of ya … ’cause I’d turn into a puddle of melting jello brain, begging for refrigeration

  47. The very first post on this thread was from me:

    “DeSantis did NOT say the 2020 election was won by biden* fair & square.”

    It has YET to be refuted.

    BFH did a great job of adding quotes and context yet NOBODY has provided a quote from DeSantis that said “the 2020 election was won by biden* fair & square.”

    Because it DOES NOT EXIST!

    Sure, you can insinuate bullshit, just like the “fine people” was insinuated against Trump.
    I would hope you people are better than that…

  48. wanna WIN in 2024?
    Cut the CRAP about 2020 being stolen.
    True or not, that argument is a LOSER in 2024, ESPECIALLY among the independents who actually decide elections.
    Voters vote based on WIFMs (what’s in it for me?)
    In other words, IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!!!!

  49. Who won, Different Tim?

    Well, my very first comment held up entirely.
    Took some slings & arrows yet NO ONE refuted it.
    No one could produce anything even remotely where Governor DeSantis said that “biden* won the 2020 election fair & square”
    Because of course he didn’t and of course I was right.
    DeSantis didn’t straddle any fence, he didn’t couch his words.
    He effectively said “hey you know that Kraken thing never really panned out now did it?”
    Which is true, many claims did not pan out.
    I wish they had, I think we all do.
    So disappointing.

    Therefore, Loco for the win…

    Ultimately we learned that the author wrote the lies to stir up some good old fashioned MAGA hatred for the governor.
    So the author of this tripe was the big loser and anyone who was foolish enough to believe him.


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