Leftists and Dems victimized by results of the crime policies they advocated – IOTW Report

Leftists and Dems victimized by results of the crime policies they advocated

JTN: Leftists and Democrats are being victimized by crime policies they have supported, with the armed carjacking of Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Tx.) on Monday night becoming a lightning rod for the issue.

Following the death of George Floyd in police custody in May 2020, Black Lives Matter riots spread across the U.S. with calls to “Defund the Police,” and support from liberal and Democrat supporters. However, some of those same supporters are now victims of increased crime in cities that embraced the BLM movement, in which defunding or eliminating police altogether has been a central rallying point.

On Monday night, Cuellar was carjacked at gunpoint in Washington’s Navy Yard neighborhood, but was unharmed. Police have not yet apprehended the multiple assailants.

“Three guys came out of nowhere, and they pointed guns at me,” Cuellar said. “I looked at one with a gun, and another with a gun, a third one behind me. So they said they wanted my car, and I said, ‘Sure.'”

Cuellar is generally considered a “centrist” and while a Democrat, has specifically rejected calls to defund the police. But the attack raises questions about that party’s platform and direction, and whether it is, as some like Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-Ia.) say, “soft on crime.”

In another incident early Monday morning, freelance journalist and former city employee, Josh Kruger, was shot and killed in his Philadelphia home. Police said that no weapon has been recovered and there have been no arrests. MORE

10 Comments on Leftists and Dems victimized by results of the crime policies they advocated

  1. My cell phone just squawked and there was a Presidential Alert message on the screen. It was a test. Probably getting ready for November of 2024 when a new, deadliest of all corona viruses is discovered and we are all urged to remain in our homes with our masks on.

  2. Schadenfreude. I feel a certain shadow of, a wistful emanation of, a faint echo of shame in the quiet joy I feel when a leftist gets brutalized or killed by one of the people he/she/it encourage and support through their voting and policy.

    It is wrong to feel satisfaction in the injury to another, and I try to suppress it, I truly do, when a leftist jerk-wad gets smoked by one of his or her pet criminals.

  3. I want to put this in the category of “The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences”.
    But anyone with more than one brain cell (i.e., not DildoCrats) to rub together had already figured out what would happen before it happened.

  4. Basic psychology dictates that if you reward or ignore unacceptable behavior, you get a whole lot more of it. In this case I am delighted that those who advocate liberal policies are reaping the result. It’s just like those “immigrants” that were sent to Martha’s Vineyard. As long as it was someone else suffering the consequences of open border policies these liberals were all for these “seekers of the American dream”. They even claimed to be a sanctuary city – that is until they became the beneficiaries of of the very policies they advocate for everyone else.

    You liberals suck it up and enjoy the fruits of your labors. You’ll receive no sympathy from rational people.


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