Leftists Barricade Doors, Brandish Weapons at Jordan Peterson Speech – IOTW Report

Leftists Barricade Doors, Brandish Weapons at Jordan Peterson Speech


Dangerous: Antifa and other far-left extremists protested a speech at Queen’s University by Canadian psychology professor Dr. Jordan Peterson by smashing windows and barricading doors.

One protester was arrested while carrying a garrote—a weapon intended solely for killing, and not self-defense.

Dr. Peterson was at the college to promote his new book, where he was set upon by a mob of over 150 activists, some of whom are students. The activists were opposed to Peterson’s criticism of Bill C-16, which is widely considered to be an anti-free speech law that criminalizes the misuse of gender-specific pronouns as “hate crimes,” among other things.

As he spoke, activists barricaded the doors to prevent attendees from leaving. Queen’s University’s local newspaper, the Journal, reports that members of the crowd chanted “lock ‘em in and burn it down.”

Activists who took part in the protest expressed glee at the violence and attempts to censor Dr. Peterson, one of whom told the paper that he was “really happy to see that happening.”

On Twitter, Peterson described the protesters as “barbarians at the gate,” calling the chaos “reminiscent of the destruction of the stained glass on Pleasure Island in Pinocchio.”

One activist, a 38-year-old woman, is now facing numerous charges for assaulting police, and carrying a concealed weapon—a garotte. The garotte is a handheld ligature of wire designed for strangulation.  MORE HERE

12 Comments on Leftists Barricade Doors, Brandish Weapons at Jordan Peterson Speech

  1. I have successfully defended myself with a garotte!……never.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. They won’t stop, there is no reasoning with them. They’ll escalate this until they start dying. They are only front line fodder for the enemies of America. Just scales on a giant snake. The head of this snake needs to be chopped off.

    Why aren’t we talking about what heads need to be taken down?

  3. I bought his book 12 Rules, based upon that original interview. It is interesting but long, takes focus to get through. So far I have read most of 2 of the 12 rules. I can’t imagine what the protesters are protesting if from his book, although I also can’t imagine a single one of them having read it.

  4. They will keep escalating until they get more than a slap on the wrist. So far, they have gotten away with it and afterwards get to hang with their fellow travelers and congratulate each other on how brave they are. Until they start getting a serious beat down this won’t stop.

  5. Obama Soros and crew now have their Minions Protesting Wisdom and Virtue,
    so they have no desire to educate the Stupid amongst us, they just want Violence in numbers !

  6. LCD, This is why: The activists were opposed to Peterson’s criticism of Bill C-16, which is widely considered to be an anti-free speech law that criminalizes the misuse of gender-specific pronouns as “hate crimes,” among other things.

    The good Dr has taken the stance that he would go to jail before being forced to use a made-up or outlandish pronoun like zir or zim, or whatever secret word they may come up for the day, that puts you in jail if you don’t guess right.

    He’s pure evil, obviously. o.0

    P.S. If they can make-up words and re-assign others like they and them, why can’t I insist on a re-assignment of Master as my pronoun? Use Master or I’ll call the police, libtard!

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