Leftists Brand Biden a ‘Racist’ for Refusing to Wipe Up to $50k Student Debt – IOTW Report

Leftists Brand Biden a ‘Racist’ for Refusing to Wipe Up to $50k Student Debt

Neon Nettle:

Leftists have turned on Joe Biden over his refusal to forgive up to $50,000 in student debt, branding the Democrat a “racist” for the descion.

Socialists and others on the left excoriated Biden over his admission that he lacks the power to wipe the debts, despite his earlier promises.

Biden voiced his unpopular stance Tuesday evening during a town hall on CNN.

During the event, a young woman asked him when he would forgive more than the $10,000 he had previously suggested.

“I will not make that happen,” Biden responded. read more

26 Comments on Leftists Brand Biden a ‘Racist’ for Refusing to Wipe Up to $50k Student Debt

  1. Biden’s coming up on a month in office now and has accomplished more of his promised agenda during that time than any other President in history.

    He still has 3 years and 11 months to go, so I doubt he won’t be getting around to this before his term(s) come to an end.

  2. I agree.

    Just as racist as every other politician who thinks than immigrants and people of colour cannot determine their own destiny.

  3. ^^^^ It isn’t sarcasm.

    Pay attention to what’s happening and how fast it is being done, then compare that to anyone else you want to compare it to and see what I mean by what I said.

  4. What suckers these poor ‘woke’people are.

    The truth is, they know better – they merely sold their souls for some free shit, and less responsibility without being ‘judged’.

    How does it feel, suckers?

  5. “@^^^^ It isn’t sarcasm. All he’s done is sign E.O’s and asked “What am I signing?””

    So you’re suggesting that he has had no effect on the US since he’s been in office and the Leftist agenda hasn’t been advanced the way he promised it would be?

    Better wake up now and take note of what’s happening while it’s still comprehensible instead of waiting till the world changing around you has changed so much that you have a heart attack when you do and have to face it.

  6. My kids don’t have student debt because I paid retail college tuition out of my pension. They have real degrees and jobs now.

    But if everyone but me gets $50K , then I will exact reparations on my own terms. And they won’t like them.

  7. Jackass Joes: “I will not make that happen,”

    Translation: We could not get enough of you worthless, federal tit-sucking woke-ass parasites out to vote for me so we’re not bailing yer ass out!

  8. Correction (got distracted in the middle of posting)

    Translation: We could not get enough of you worthless, federal tit-sucking woke-ass parasites out to vote for me so we had to cheat.
    As a result we’re not bailing yer ass out!

  9. LOL, the demonicrats no longer have to pander for votes, they’ve successfully put in place machinery to simply manufacture them. So, why not just keep those loan payments coming in? Why think about how much cream the Biden’s can skim off all the foreign aid that will flow from this regime, like a backed up toilet!

  10. I’ve been in an argument with my wife over sending our oldest to college. She insists he goes. I keep telling her the world has enough baristas.

    Slowly she’s beginning to see my point.

  11. He’ll be called a fascist pig by antifa before long. They may finally get that he is one for real, cozying up to foreign tyrants and taming big business to do what the government wants it to do and at the same time cancelling our rights.

  12. What’s so special about student debt? If it made any sense at all to eliminate college debts that were freely contracted, why aren’t the lefties asking for wiping credit card debt? Mortgage? Car loans?

  13. Politicians have a long, colorful history of promising all kinds of shit for your vote that they never deliver on after elected.
    Yet so many fools still believe them!
    Some education…


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