Leftists Decry Fake University ICE Sting Practiced During Obama Administration – IOTW Report

Leftists Decry Fake University ICE Sting Practiced During Obama Administration

Breitbart: The fake University of Farmington, set up by the Department of Homeland Security, that resulted in the arrest of 250 foreign students this year and prompted outrage from leftists, was a concept embraced by the Obama administration, which engaged in similar operations.

Leftists experienced a collective freakout this week after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced the arrest of dozens of foreign nationals committing visa fraud by enrolling in the fake university. It was “part of a sting operation by federal agents who enticed foreign-born students, mostly from India, to attend the school that marketed itself as offering graduate programs in technology and computer studies,” the Detroit Free Press reported.

As Breitbart News detailed:

The Indian workers enrolled in the fake university to get work permits via two federal programs.

The two programs are the Optional Practical Training and the Curricular Practical Training programs.

The two programs keep more than 400,000 foreign graduates in jobs sought by U.S. graduates and it provides billions in revenue for the U.S. investors, as well as the Indian-born hiring managers who traffick them into jobs in many companies throughout the U.S. economy. The OPT program also feeds foreign workers into the H-1B visa program, which allows employers to hire imported workers and then pay them with low wages and a promise of citizenship.

The Indians knew the university was fake because it did not require them to take classes — which is similar to many other colleges around the United States which provide OPT to foreign workers on “Day One” of enrollment.

The news prompted wails from notable leftists. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) called the practice “cruel and appalling,” while Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) implied that the operation was an idea birthed by the Trump administration. read more

9 Comments on Leftists Decry Fake University ICE Sting Practiced During Obama Administration

  1. They’ll ignore the truth in order to blame Trump for the practice. Already OAC and Warren are saying as much, despite having little or no understanding of what is actually occurring with this 2015 era Obama ICE operation. The rest of their compatriots will follow suit. Unfortunately this will only bolster their demand to disband ICE.

  2. And of course it triggered Sweaty Thumb on Twitter:

    “Kinda makes me sympathetic to AOC’s abolish ICE argument. This is really outrageous.”

    …but then Inez Stepman set him straight real quick:

    “My understanding is that the students knew the university was fake and were paying small amounts of money to illegitimately keep their student visas active by being fake-enrolled. Adds critical context.”

    For somebody who complains about Trump’s allegedly impetuous tweets, Erick sure does let his tweets fly without thinking.


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