Leftists finally admit it: Islam isn’t peaceful – IOTW Report

Leftists finally admit it: Islam isn’t peaceful

Patrtiot Retort: Odd, isn’t it?

President Trump finally does what Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama promised to do. He announces the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

And suddenly, Leftists are rending garments and gnashing teeth over the impending violence that will erupt from Muslims in the Middle East.

Violence from Muslims in the Middle East … is that new?

Jonathan Riley@JonRiley7-  Trump’s Jerusalem decision will surely cause a violent backlash and loss of human life. Maybe that’s what he wants. Then he can tweet about how it proves him right that Muslims are violent. How will we ever undo the damage of this Presidency?

Senator Dianne Feinstein who, in 1995 voted to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, wrote a letter to President Trump pointing out:

Doing so would spark violence, further alienate the United States and undermine the prospects of a two-state solution.

She went on to tell the President relocating our Embassy to Jerusalem (which she voted for in 1995) “will spark violence and embolden extremists on both sides of this debate.”

But I’m really confused.

All the kvetching is coming from people who constantly tell us that Islam is peaceful.

So why on earth would we need to worry about sparking violence?

Has DiFi been in a coma for the last twenty years? Muslims have been “sparking violence” the entire time the American Embassy has been in Tel Aviv.

As Kurt Schlichter pointed out on Twitter last night:

Notice how liberals consider Arabs to be mindless barbarians incapable of reacting to something they oppose without violence? 

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10 Comments on Leftists finally admit it: Islam isn’t peaceful

  1. Sure Dian wanted the switch in “95”, the Muslims were still locked in Gods Ant Farm. Now they can invade her home and others, all because they choose to Vote before they Think !

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