Leftists Furious After City of Minneapolis Unexpectedly Swoops Into George Floyd Square – IOTW Report

Leftists Furious After City of Minneapolis Unexpectedly Swoops Into George Floyd Square

Western Journal-

Bitter denunciations were flowing Thursday as Minneapolis city officials began following through on their pledge to reopen George Floyd Square to traffic.

The spot was simply another downtown intersection until Floyd’s death in police custody last May. As protests erupted throughout the city, the area was turned into an impromptu community protest zone, complete with artwork and barriers.

Amid concerns from local businesses that they were suffering, city officials had said they would allow the square to remain blocked to traffic only until the end of the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin, who last month was convicted of murder in Floyd’s death.

City crews arrived at the square at 4:30 a.m. to begin taking apart the memorial and its barriers. more here

11 Comments on Leftists Furious After City of Minneapolis Unexpectedly Swoops Into George Floyd Square

  1. Taxpayers/citizens should be the ones furious that this BS was permitted as long as it was when they know exactly how to dismantle it quickly and peacefully in the early morning hours which is exactly what they did in NYC when Occupy Wall Street was finally cleared out. Shameful to ever allow this to happen in any city in this country for any amount of time.

  2. To commandeer any public property is a direct threat to the population in general.
    To allow the seizure unabated is kowtowing to the enemy and sets a very negative precedence.


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