Lefty Commentator Just Threw Cold Water Over the Left’s Future Election Hopes – IOTW Report

Lefty Commentator Just Threw Cold Water Over the Left’s Future Election Hopes

Townhall: Let’s take a break from our chaotic exit from Afghanistan, the crappy jobs report that’s coming, the rising inflation, and Joe Biden’s dementia to circle back to the 2020 census data. It’s not something that gets you excited, but liberal America was popping champagne. These people are still hyper-focused on the wobbly demography is destiny mindset. A more diverse electorate means we win more elections; conservatism is dead. These sorts of data dumps are the black tar heroin for the Left and their moral superiority complex. The thing they were really harping on is the decline in the proportion of white Americans. The Trump voters. The GOP base—it’s all shrinking. It’s entertaining for sure, but also a tad pathetic. Public opinion can change—quickly. There are no permanent victories in a representative democracy. None. You’d think Democrats would have learned that after 2010. In a mere two years, the conversation went from ‘it’s the end of the GOP’ in 2008 with Obama’s election to the Tea Party wave in 2010. That only took two years. The GOP had their go with this permanent majority stuff in the Bush years. It will be a coalition that is focused on national security. That got washed away in the 2006 midterms. 

Better yet, it’s a progressive political scientist who torched this narrative about the 2020 census and a permanent Democratic majority. Ruy Teixeira of the Center for American Progress is one of those people who talked about this theory of an emerging Democratic majority but has also said that his works has been glossed over and misrepresented by fellow liberals.  more here

14 Comments on Lefty Commentator Just Threw Cold Water Over the Left’s Future Election Hopes

  1. Not a word about massive election fraud, about which NOTHING has been done. But of course leftist Ray Teixeira is not going to mention this, and more than half the people at Town Hall are RINOS who think massive election fraud never happened. Rearranging demographics is a useless distraction from the real problem.

  2. One stolen election gotten away with – why do you think they’ll chance anymore to the fickle deplorable? Not gonna happen. Nancy P. and Dominion have gamed the next 5 elections already ending up with AOC as number president # 50.

  3. @ You Know What I Mean..

    Here we are, fighting a civil war for control of the GOP, having to take it back street to street, precinct to precinct, because the RINOs have sold us out. But when we get our people to the state and national level, they get bulldozed by the Democrats, not because od demographics, but because of voter fraud. The Democrats have institutionalized and mainstreamed voter fraud, and we think we are being clever in playing by their rules and using their tactics, such as ballot-harvesting. The RINOs would rather do shit like that than prosecute fraud and enforce the law. They just accept the stacked deck and play into the oblivion of their board rooms and lobbies when they lose.

    I watch my “GOP” Governor and SOS here in Georgia just sit on their hands and let the crooked Dems run amok, and I read about similar quislings doing the same in other ostensibly red states. I read about blatant, documented, massive ballot fraud, and I see it ignored across the board by RINOs. I see Dominion using lawfare against anyone who would dare question their systems or their integrity, and the RINOs stand idly by.

    Based on what I see, whatever rosy predictions of Republican victory in 2022 are being made by the likes of Town Hall, should be cut in half, and whatever doom and gloom the Democrats are predicting for their party in 2022 is nothing but sleeping gas for likes of Hugh Hewitt and Erick Erickson. Okay, I’m done with my rant.

  4. The Obsolete Man – One stolen election gotten away with?

    When you look at the Socialist Communists that have been strategically placed as mayors of some major cities, and throw in the radical DAs, it represents a clear pattern that can only be explained by organized voter fraud. They’ve been practising while we slept and have learned well and looking back on it I think there are a lot of corrupted election scenarios that are eclipsed by the magnitude of installing a crooked, corrupt, grinning imbecile in the White House! Nobody really cared until it hit this hard nationally!

  5. TRF
    “Now that half the nation is awake, what are we going to do about it?”

    Train the Taliban to be a front line fighting force with experience with the newest weapon systems.
    Remove conservative forces from the military.
    What damage could 100 well armed Taliban do in NYC.
    How many does it take to burn down a city? Ask Minneapolis.
    Declare Marshal Law.
    207 since Jan 20
    429 days until Nov 8, 2022
    Yea, could could possibly happen………

  6. Well…. for starters more people need to:
    Home-School your children.
    Boycott a (more) “Woke” corporation(s).
    Buy another gun
    Run for your local School Board.
    Leave stickers wherever you go. (if you like these prices thank Jackass Joe)
    Don’t watch Pro Sports
    If your church has been compromised, leave.
    Pick one or all, but do something!

  7. “When it comes to Hispanic voters, it’s still not good news for Democrats….”

    Why do you think Biden told the people of Cuba to engage in self intercourse while opening our southern border to leeches?


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