Lefty Law Prof Admits: Amy Coney Barrett ‘Is Going to be a Good Justice, Maybe Even a Great One’ – IOTW Report

Lefty Law Prof Admits: Amy Coney Barrett ‘Is Going to be a Good Justice, Maybe Even a Great One’


The Left is outraged that President Donald Trump has been able to nominate a Supreme Court justice to take the seat of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Democrats do not want the Senate to confirm Trump’s nominee, Amy Coney Barrett. Many on the Left have strained to attack ACB for her faith but many acknowledge her as an impressive jurist and a caring mother of 7 children, one with Down Syndrome and two adopted from Haiti. Yet at least one high-profile left-leaning law professor has lavished praise on ACB’s intellect and her character.

Noah Feldman, a law professor at Harvard and former clerk to Supreme Court Justice David Souter, wrote that he was “devastated” by Ginsburg’s death and “revolted” by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s supposed hypocrisy, but he sang Barrett’s praises.

“Regardless of what you or I may think of the circumstances of this nomination, Barrett is highly qualified to serve on the Supreme Court,” Feldman wrote in his Bloomberg column.

“I disagree with much of her judicial philosophy and expect to disagree with many, maybe even most of her future votes and opinions,” he wrote of ACB. “Yet despite this disagreement, I know her to be a brilliant and conscientious lawyer who will analyze and decide cases in good faith, applying the jurisprudential principles to which she is committed. Those are the basic criteria for being a good justice. Barrett meets and exceeds them.”

Feldman met ACB when they clerked at the Supreme Court together during the 1998-99 term. “Of the thirty-some clerks that year, all of whom had graduated at the top of their law school classes and done prestigious appellate clerkships before coming to work at the court, Barrett stood out. Measured subjectively and unscientifically by pure legal acumen, she was one of the two strongest lawyers. The other was Jenny Martinez, now dean of the Stanford Law School.” read more

6 Comments on Lefty Law Prof Admits: Amy Coney Barrett ‘Is Going to be a Good Justice, Maybe Even a Great One’

  1. Oh good. Now that the Left’s finest legal minds have weighed in and given their blessings, I guess it’s okay for us to move forward with her confirmation. /sarc

    Why do we care about what a “Left-leaning” lawyer has to say?

  2. The only argument a senator can make against nomination is that she is unqualified. Or, as with Kavanaugh, that there is a major moral disqualification (even though it was a lie). I honestly can’t see either of those legitimately sticking. The only concern I have with Republican senators is whether they feel that confirmation shouldn’t happen so close to an election, and I think enough have said that it is acceptable.
    I wonder if any Dems, particularly with the knowledge that she will be confirmed, will vote in favor. What was RBG’s vote, 93-3?

  3. “I disagree with much of her judicial philosophy and expect to disagree with many, maybe even most of her future votes and opinions”

    In other words: He disagrees with her applying the law and not making law?

  4. “I disagree with much of her judicial philosophy and expect to disagree with many, maybe even most of her future votes and opinions”

    In other words: He disagrees with her applying the law and not making law by pulling it out of her ass?


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