Legal Challenge Seeking to Bar Trump From Illinois Ballot Fails – IOTW Report

Legal Challenge Seeking to Bar Trump From Illinois Ballot Fails

In a unanimous vote, the State Board of Elections said they lacked the authority to bar Trump from the ballot.

17 Comments on Legal Challenge Seeking to Bar Trump From Illinois Ballot Fails

  1. Brad Raffensperger is finally getting his ass kicked. Kerry Lake just blew up AZ deep state. Some friends visited the little shop of horrors today. We all decided there are white hats working in the back ground. We’re dying to know who it is. The leading contenders are, a sub branch of the military that I will name later.

  2. What is say around June or July the deep state throws in the towel and admits that they stole the election and President Trump is the real president and should take over immediately. Then they will say that he was elected two times and can’t run again.

  3. Good news but still doesn’t change my mind that Illinois is a demoncrat shithole. They voted in JB Pritzker twice and they don’t have a single road worth an imprisoned Governor.

  4. “Good news but still doesn’t change my mind that Illinois is a demoncrat shithole.”

    That’s one fucking compromised state. Just like Minnesota. Why are you worried. Notice I didn’t mention California or Hawaii. We shall see. We visited Maui first week of October. The residents are eager to talk, and they’re not happy. When we visited there, there were still 350 or so kids not found. Maui is our second home. You can’t shit on people like this and expect them to vote for you.

  5. I predict Haley will win the nomination (thru RINO shennanigans) but it won’t matter because even if Trump isn’t on the ballot people are going to write him in…..even if he’s in prison.

  6. Brad,

    They’re not gonna let Trump being ahead stand in their way. If the cheating isn’t squashed nothing’s gonna change anyways. They’ll cause some kind of delay or some bullshit emergency to postpone the “elections”.

    Evil NEVER sleeps.

    We’ll see how this plays out.

  7. Democratic shithole, I anytime, anywhere, anyplace is better than the mental illness you can never ever escape from, BRAD. No matter where you go, you can’t escape it! Delusional & there are no drugs nor help for someone like you.

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