Legal Expert: Dem Rep. Elijah Cummings’ wife is breaking the law by not revealing financial disclosures about her nonprofit – IOTW Report

Legal Expert: Dem Rep. Elijah Cummings’ wife is breaking the law by not revealing financial disclosures about her nonprofit


Daily Caller: Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings’ wife is breaking the law by not revealing financial disclosures about her nonprofit, an uninvolved legal expert told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Maya Rockeymoore Cummings runs a nonprofit called the Center for Global Policy Solutions that is closely intertwined with a for-profit consulting firm, Global Policy Solutions LLC. The nonprofit has received millions of dollars from groups with interests before the congressman’s committee, potentially buying them favorable treatment, according to a complaint filed with the IRS by the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC).

At least three different groups have requested the forms, and to each, Rockeymoore Cummings has refused, even when told that the law requires it. She refused on the phone to NLPC, and did not answer formal requests to view the forms from the Washington Examiner and TheDCNF.

“Wow. That’s illegal,” Sally Wagenmaker, a Chicago attorney who specializes in nonprofit tax law, told TheDCNF. “It’s interesting and sad. You have the right to get them. The organization absolutely is required to provide the information, so to not do so would appear to be flaunting the law.”

“As a family member of an elected official, we’d expect high-road, integrity and compliance. If anyone should be responding promptly, it should be her. He should be above approach.”  more here

10 Comments on Legal Expert: Dem Rep. Elijah Cummings’ wife is breaking the law by not revealing financial disclosures about her nonprofit

  1. Hillary did this, Comey did that, Page and Strock did this, McCabe did that, Cortez used campaign dollars to set up slush fund, Omar married her brother to skirt immigration laws. What happens? Nothing. If I tried to put up a fence or replace windows in a house without a permit I’d be set upon like I was on the FBI’S most wanted list.

  2. I suspect this is common practice in Congress. Why else would HRC and the Clinton mafia and Obama and Waters and, never mind. Way too many crooked grifters in Congress.

  3. What’s most galling is this bullet headed fraud sits as head of the oversight committee and explodes sanctimoniously when he perceives any slight to his honesty. That happens often of course.


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