Legal Insurrection's Top Bumper Stickers of 2014 – IOTW Report

Legal Insurrection's Top Bumper Stickers of 2014

Bumper-Sticker-Gainesville-FL-Trickle-Up-Poverty-e1401763569365 Bumper-Sticker-Roswell-NM-Exist-e1410923778259 Bumper-Sticker-Ft-Stockton-Texas-Liberals-Hate-e1392524596221


ht/ just the tip

11 Comments on Legal Insurrection's Top Bumper Stickers of 2014

  1. Saw a libtard bumpersticker today:

    If nothing changes, nothing changes.

    I’m not making that up. I’m looking at the photo right now. Typical libtard logic. They think up something stupid to say and other libtards act like the quote just opened the mysteries of the universe to them.


  2. ( Writes note to self – Opportunity: people can’t find custom bumper stickers they want – see if bumper sticker making/printing kits are on the market – invent home versions if none and market them – make millions)

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