Legendary Broadcaster Vin Scully Declares: ‘I Will Never Watch Another NFL Game’ – IOTW Report

Legendary Broadcaster Vin Scully Declares: ‘I Will Never Watch Another NFL Game’

CNS: Legendary broadcaster Vin Scully said at an event in Pasadena on Saturday night that because of players kneeling in protest at the National Anthem he will never watch another NFL game.

“I used to love, during the fall and winter, to watch the NFL on Sunday,” Scully said. “It’s not that I’m some great patriot. I was in the Navy for a year, didn’t go anywhere, didn’t do anything. But I have overwhelming respect and admiration for anyone who puts on a uniform and goes to war. So the only thing I can do in my little way is not to preach. I will never watch another NFL game.”


37 Comments on Legendary Broadcaster Vin Scully Declares: ‘I Will Never Watch Another NFL Game’

  1. If a sports league loses the great Vin Scully their days are numbered.

    Matter of fact, I emailed all the local network affiliates just this morning informing them that it pains me to tell them that they’ve permanently lost a viewer of NFL.

    Pressure has to come from all directions.

    Time to start a new league altogether. The PFL. Patriots Football League.

  2. I was so looking forward to see the Dodgers win the World Series last week before they choked in game 7 just so I could hear Vin Scully make the final call of the World Series with the Dodgers winning. Maybe next year, and Vin Scully and Paul Harvey are two of my all time radio broadcasters with both their careers spanning 50-60 or more years. And Dave Niehaus as a Seattle Mariners fan.

  3. Scully with the mike drop…. aaand there’s the signal from the dugout…

    …you know nothing beats the great taste of Jimmy Dean sausages, whether you’re in a dugout or at a cookout, Jimmy Dean sausages.

    Scully back on the mound…….

  4. Time for all of us to declare which side we’re on?

    And I’m not just talking about the NFL. Women and children deserve to be allowed to protect themselves from the predatory and the unhinged amongst us.

    But count on GOP politicians to continue to misrepresent themselves.

  5. Saw that the NFL combine is working on schematics, sabrestats, and the mechanics of the kneeling position in order to include it in the draft resume of those newly eligible millionaires after February 2018.

    …crickets… as we have left the building and those high priced coveted parking slots.

  6. First week of nfl boycott was tough. Second week not as bad, but I still snuck a peek at the standings. By week 7 it didn’t bother me at all. Stopped looking at the standings.

    You NFLunkheads have no idea what you have done.
    When Super Bowl is shunned by most and the winning team gets no White House invite it may begin to sink in.
    When advertisers start pulling out and the lucrative contracts dry up you will finally have heard us.

  7. Wonder what those NFL geniuses, players to owners, will do when the league is toast?
    Since most of them didn’t do anything else while in college… Landscaping?
    Then they better get on the stick about illegal immigration! lol

  8. They’re in a world of shit and they know it. i saw that stadiums were poorly attended again. I havnt watched more than 3 quarters total since the last superbowl and yesterday I realized how little i miss it, not breaking speed limits to get home from church to watch. I’m not moody because my team lost. I feel free.

    NFL screwed the pooch.

  9. I wonder if Vin Scully could narrate his own funeral….

    “Left field pallbearer is really working his grip on the casket handle….aaand now there’s a beach ball in the pews. You know, nothing goes better with a funeral than Jimmy Dean sausages….”

  10. @Aaron. I was going to let this go, but you keep saying Jimmy Dean sausages. NO. It was Farmer
    Johns sausages.

    listen to this through your Vin Scully synthesizer…

    This game is brought to you by Farmer Johns. The easternmost in quality. The westernmost in flavor.
    And by Union 76.

    Aaaaaand now it’s time for Dodger baseball!!!!

  11. Down the I-5, at the Angels stadium, everything stops for the National Anthem. The players stand, the fans stand, the concession folk stop selling concessions, and the ticket takers stop taking tickets. Even the escalator ushers stop fans from using the escalators. It’s a minute out of your life to honor America.

  12. Born and raised in Cincy with Waite Hoyt as an announcer. He was great! But I got to listen to Vin while I was on Guam and he epitomizes a true fan of baseball and a true class anouncer.
    I miss them both.

  13. I don’t like Farmer John sausages. Neither does Vin Scully. We’re both Jimmy Dean fans.

    Also, we’re both rabid Angels fans and not really all that keen on the Dodgers.

  14. We have been blessed in So California to have Vin Scully, he and Jerry Coleman were cut from the same cloth… Either could have been a Reagan like President !!! Coleman’s a WW2 vet Padres broadcaster, great bud’s with Vin !

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