Legislation In South Dakota Seeks To NULLIFY BIDEN ☭ Executive Orders – IOTW Report

Legislation In South Dakota Seeks To NULLIFY BIDEN ☭ Executive Orders

This means nothing unless the people hold them to it.

Geller Report:
It will come down to slave states versus free states.

Related; Joe Biden Rescinds State, Localities Ability to Refuse Refugees.

Legislation In South Dakota Seeks To Nullify Biden Executive Orders

By Amanda Prestigiacomo • Daily Wire • Feb 8, 2021:

Legislation introduced in the South Dakota House of Representatives seeks to give the state’s attorney general the authority to review executive orders from President Joe Biden and potentially nullify any order deemed unconstitutional.

State Rep. Aaron Aylward (R-Harrisburg) introduced HB 1194, which is described as an act “to authorize the review of certain executive orders issued by the President of the United States.”

The process to potentially nullify an executive order, which by nature bypasses congressional approval, “begins with a review by the Executive Council of the Legislative Research Board, followed by a referral from the Council to the attorney general and the governor,” South Dakota news station KELO-TV reported last week. “Once the referral has been made, the attorney general may examine the order to determine whether the state can seek an exemption or declare it unconstitutional.” read more

19 Comments on Legislation In South Dakota Seeks To NULLIFY BIDEN ☭ Executive Orders

  1. …South Carolina tried nullification during the Jackson administration, and Democrat Jackson responded by threatening nullification of South Carolina, which ultimately resulted in nullification being itself nullified.


    …see, when a Democrat is in the White House, however fraudulently, suddenly the courts and the MSM are all about Federal Supremacy.

    The devil only has so many tricks, but he always has a new generation to play them on. That’s why Democrats refuse to teach history and why they get kids to ignore their parents, so they can help him start over.

    Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

    …but those of us who remember history are doomed to be dismissed as boomers, vilified as racists, and forced to watch as history repeats because we are ignored…

  2. There will be more Bundy Ranch scenarios the harder the executive branch pushes this unconstitutional bullshit and the courts convene long enough to tell us we have “no standing”. Get to know your local sheriff… They need to know we have their backs when it’s time to tell the feds to go pound sand.


  3. I just watched four years of liberal state judges blocking every Executive Order Trump signed.

    Nut the fuck up, alleged conservative Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation judges.

  4. as the resident S Dakotan, i heartily applaud this effort. I know of this man and he is strongly libertarian as was his predecessor in that district. It has a strong possibility of passing because the republicans outnumber the evil f/kn shithead commies by about 555 to 2 in the house and senate, plus we have the worlds second best governor and so I’m saying it has a chance. BUTT. There are always the other evil f/kn shithead commie RINOS of which we have an abundance.

    So. Lets do this. The feds have f’kd states over for decades and we finally have a gov in this state that knows that the constitution gives the feds limited LIMITED authority.

    I’m hopeful. I’m also glad i live here although the winters suck. Not as bad as NY or Mich or WI or MN or ND or Maine or ….

  5. @ Charlie WalksonWater FEBRUARY 8, 2021 AT 7:45 PM

    I didn’t realize you bordered me to the north. No wonder you make so much sense.

    And I have been blowing up Sasse’s email as well as the state republican party about him.

    They all must be really poor politicians, I can’t even get a boilerplate response from either.

    But I will keep doing it.

  6. The first time this bill crosses path with an Executive Order and the state refuses to allow said order to be enforced the JustUs Department will sue…in
    FEDERAL COURT….where they OWN the judges. Said blackrobed pirates will rule
    that the EO supercedes state law and the states law is null and void. Newsflash
    folks. We aren’t VOTING our way out of this, we aren’t protesting, suing or ignoring our way out of this. The ONLY WAY out of the road to hell the commies in power have put us on is to SACK UP, ARM UP, STEP OFF THE PORCH and GO HUNTING.

  7. II did not like President Trump but I respected his office. The congress is the only entity that can decide if a executive order is unconstitutional. I will support the federal government and hope that it closes down everything from your airports, to your mail to your highway funds etc. I also hope if necessary the government uses US MARSHALLS ETC. The founding fathers decided along time ago that a strong federal government was required. President Washington used force during the whiskey rebellion. Your state is repeating past errors such the choices made with the drinking age law and civil rights. This is about the pipeline that Trump pushed through. Hey South Dakota tell me when this pipeline is complete whoreally benefits the most. It is my opinion that the Canadians will benefit, the Koch brothers will benefit, and the countries getting this oil. Then when either the pipeline becomes unprofitable, or maintaining the pipeline becomes too expensive, they will leave and South Dakota and its tax payers will be stuck with the bill. If you have any doubts, take a look at history from the abandoned coal mines, oil wells, and gas wells left in decay. The cleanups come out of your state coffers. Then your state will be pleading with the federal government to help. Thus charade of a law is about the pipeline right? You know South Dakota is rugged and pristine and beautiful. You should choose economic prosperity that protects this natural beauty.

  8. @ Charlie WalksonWater

    I was born in S Dak.In Sioux Falls, the north side of 41st St where I-29 crosses it was my folks farm before the interstate went right thru the middle of it.

    One of my brothers lives in Harrisburg. I’ll have to ask him about this guy.

  9. Well put, Francis W. Porretto.

    An Executive Order is NOT a law.
    It is an Order from the Executive to the Agencies of the Executive Branch – not to the humans.

    I don’t know how this got so convoluted and perverted – but my guess is that is the intention.

    The Courts have added to this perversion because they are complicit in the usurpation and Treason – anyone expecting remedy from the Judiciary is a moron.

    izlamo delenda est …


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