Lena Dunham Upset About Being Accused Of Molesting Her Sister After She Writes Book Describing How She Molested Her Sister – IOTW Report

Lena Dunham Upset About Being Accused Of Molesting Her Sister After She Writes Book Describing How She Molested Her Sister


Warning: this is pretty sick. Actress Lena Dunham, that glob of man-hating fury and star of HBO’sGirls, is furious that certain conservative websites have accused her of molesting her little sister. But the thing is, she wrote a book describing in detail how she molested her little sister when she was 7-years old. So basically Dunham is pissed that someone actually read her book.

First, a National Review piece on Dunham’s memoirs Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She’s “Learned” with a story author Kevin D. Williamson proclaims: “There is no non-horrific interpretation of this episode.”



17 Comments on Lena Dunham Upset About Being Accused Of Molesting Her Sister After She Writes Book Describing How She Molested Her Sister

  1. Considering her public persona and family of origin I’ve always thought she was depraved and narcissistic. Now I know she’s crossed the line from character disordered to sociopath. Seek help. It’s hardly ever too late.

  2. Never heard of her but i looked the dyke up. She looks like the kind of person who would do a perverse thing like that.
    The stupid shit that Hollywood passes off for entertainers just boggles my mind.

  3. I’ve never seen her TV show, but I’ve read plot synopses of episodes. This woman is certifiably sick, and the Left loves her for it, and more. Promiscuous? Check. Physically unattractive, tattoed cow? Check. Artsy-fartsy candidate for Obamacare? Check. Bonus points for a wardrobe that appears to be made from recycled potato sacks.

    My parents would have thrown me out of the house if I’d behaved like that.

  4. Lena’s father Carroll Dunham (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carroll_Dunham ) might have a vagina obsession in his paintings.

    As the wiki link says “Dunham’s career can be characterized by its rigorous indefinability …” in other words it’s anti-art.
    Follow the Wikipedia links to his paintings or Google image search at your own risk, that which has been seen can not be unseen.

    Her mother Laurie Simmons (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurie_Simmons ) a photographer has some self portrait “art” that looks like it belongs in a pr0n magazine. Again search at your own risk

    Apples and trees

  5. I bet Lena was molested. She may not remember. But what she claims she did
    Screams molested while young.
    The mother and father are nut jobs. Hippie types.

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