Leo DiCaprio in Hot Water – IOTW Report

Leo DiCaprio in Hot Water

DML: Leonardo DiCaprio has been in hot water over the allegations in an embezzlement scheme where he used untouchable Malaysian funds to make his 2013 movie, The Wolf of Wall Street. After funneling the funds through his charity, the playboy actor and his organization are now being investigated by U.S. DOJ over his“misappropriated” use of $3.5 billion.

In fact, according to the US department of justice, particular donations to the Oscar-winner’s liberal-infused environmental charity, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, (the LDF), came directly from billions of dollars siphoned from the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB.  MORE

15 Comments on Leo DiCaprio in Hot Water

  1. Liberals… such good people with their charities and foundations. Except none of them help enrich anyone but themselves and their friends, lawyers etc. that are affiliated with running them. But they get the accolades for being caring people with wholesome intentions.

  2. The DOJ is non-partisan, professional and applies the law equally.
    Luckily DiCaprio, being an elitist, is one who is more equal than others.
    I feel confident that the FBI will investigate and find there was no intent of fraud, he and his attorneys were just careless.

    How much money has DiCaprio siphon to the Clinton Foundations?
    Time to pony up another contribution Leo. The corrupt elites gotta spread the wealth (among themselves).

  3. Charitable “Foundations” and trusts are financial vehicles used by the wealthy to avoid taxes and funnel monies to support “causes”. Although a bit complicated to explain, one example is this 2014 attack piece on the Walton family fortune in Forbes:


    Leo has discovered he can also use a foundation as a laundry mat, he must have been talking to the Clintons. Just wait, you’ll hear of the Obama Family Foundation very soon.

  4. Damn, did he forget to put in his bid, I mean donation, to Hillary’s Auctioning Of America, that she calls “fundraisers”? And or Obama’s Protection Bids, I mean donations.

  5. This proves Hillary Clinton’s leadership. These little people’s accountants all seem to have found the Wikipedia article about proper handling of nation level money flows. But so, so, few of them have taken the seconds needed to skim the numbers on how much cheaper it is to have bodies cease being busy, than to abase oneself like a peasant.

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