Leon Panetta Has A Blunt Message For Dems Wanting To Impeach Trump – IOTW Report

Leon Panetta Has A Blunt Message For Dems Wanting To Impeach Trump

DC: Since the first days of the Trump administration, Democrats have been threatening to impeach President Trump. Members of the House have introduced articles of impeachment against the president and many Democrats have used the “Impeach 45” mantra on the campaign trail. However, President Obama’s CIA Director Leon Panetta on Sunday had a blunt warning for the trigger-happy Democrats.

When asked about Democrat impeachment efforts by Martha Raddatz on ABC, Panetta said he did not think it was a wise idea.

“As we approach the midterms, you were Chief of Staff to President Clinton before impeachment proceedings, do you think it’s wise for Democrats if they retake the House to start impeachment proceedings?” Raddatz asked. “Is it wise politically for them to do that?”

Panetta said bluntly “No not at all.”

The career bureaucrat continued, “I think the most important things that the Democrats could do is to allow Bob Mueller to complete his work. I think Bob Mueller’s report will ultimately determine whether or not there are going to be additional steps taken against the president and they ought not to get ahead of that report because that will be the key to determining what happens with future.” WATCH

5 Comments on Leon Panetta Has A Blunt Message For Dems Wanting To Impeach Trump

  1. Leo missed the boat that day he left the shack
    But that was all he missed, and he ain’t comin’ back
    At a tombstone bar in a jukejoint car he made a stop
    Just long enough to grab a handle off the top
    Next stop Chi-town, Leo put the money down, let it roll
    He said, one more job oughta get it
    One last shot ‘fore we quit it, one for the road

    Leo, whoa, he’s for the money, he’s for the show
    Leo’s a waitin’ for the go
    Leo, whoa, he said, one more job oughta get it
    One last shot ‘fore we quit it, one more for the road

    Leo be runnin’ havin’ great big fun until he got the note
    Sayin’ tow the line or blow it, and that was all she wrote
    He be makin’ like a beeline headin’ for the borderline
    Goin’ for broke
    Sayin’ one more hit oughta do it, this joint, ain’t nothin’ to it
    One more for the road

    Leo, whoa, he’s for the money, he’s for the show
    Leo’s a waitin’ for the go
    Leo, whoa, one more job oughta get it
    One last shot and we quit it, one more for the road


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