Lesbian couple sues a fertility clinic for the wrong type of baby – IOTW Report

Lesbian couple sues a fertility clinic for the wrong type of baby

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Designer babies don’t always live up to their billing.

Heather Wilhelm-Routenberg, who hates men, agreed to be artificially impregnated with an egg from her lesbian “wife,” Robin Routenberg-Wilhelm, provided the resulting baby was female.  Unfortunately, the clinic made a mistake.  To her credit, Heather carried the baby to term and does love her son…but she’s still suing the clinic for the trauma of putting a baby boy into her life and, worse, making a big news story about it.

The New York Post has the story about what happened when Heather and Robin (“Robbie”) agreed to have a child, even though their XX chromosomes prevented the one from impregnating the other.  Heather said she couldn’t bear to have a boy child because she’d been sexually assaulted twice in college.  (The one-out-of-four lie to the contrary, few women are sexually assaulted even once at college.  It makes you wonder what college Heather attended.)

The original plan was for Robbie to carry a baby with Heather’s egg, as opposed to Heather carrying a baby with Robbie’s egg.  (Again, this kind of nonsense arises because two people with XX chromosomes not only can’t make a Y chromosome, but can’t make anything at all.)  Heather was afraid of hospitals and medical procedures but agreed to carry a baby with Robbie’s DNA, provided it was a girl.  Instead, Heather’s sonogram revealed a boy: more

19 Comments on Lesbian couple sues a fertility clinic for the wrong type of baby

  1. If the clinic had any kind of decent lawyers, they’d have had a caveat in their paperwork signed by the couple that there was no guarantee about the sex of the baby just an improved probability of determining the sex of the child.

    That being said. I feel sorry for this boy who is being raised by a couple of man hating dike cunts. I don’t care how much they claim to “love” “their” son. The lawsuit itself is proof that they didn’t want him, and are disappointed to have to raise him. The kid will know that. Everyone will know that.

  2. Taking everyone at the clinic, including the receptionist and janitor, out back… and leaving them beside the dumpster… is not who we are? Still?

    Asking for a friend.

  3. According to the LGBTQASDFUYEJK community, being gay is nature, not a choice. I do not believe that but will go along for a quick argument. If it is nature, then there must be agene, or a combination of genes, that determine it. So, if I went in with my significant other and decided to abort a baby (again, NO) because it had gay genes, what would be the result?

  4. Ingratitude defines the followers of the progressive movement. I am going to say straight up that in my estimation that is what made them willing targets of inculcation with the notion that envy is no longer a mortal sin, but in fact a high virtue.

    “Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name, ‘social justice’.”
    ― Thomas Sowell, The Quest for Cosmic Justice

    That book did not introduce that concept to me. It is something I had recognized over a decade previously and had been working out on my own.

    Turning the resentment that cannot help but result in individuals into a force that can be harnessed to serve Satan is what the left has been totally invested in. The total lack of gratitude is so much a feature of envy ruling one’s life that it all but defines an individual.

    When I refer to the followers of the progressive worldview as subhuman pieces of shit, it does not imply that they were not born in the image of God. What it implies is that they have, in an effort to make Gods of themselves, willingly and with foreknowledge surrendered their birthright as a child of God and have reduced themselves to that status.

  5. Those two dykes will groom that kid to be either GAY or TRANS. Count on it. Either way it will be a female with a penis. They will mess with that kids head every single day. Then when it becomes suicidal they will blame intolerant ‘NORMAL’ society for not welcoming the kid’s chosen (fucked in the head) identity.

  6. “Heather Wilhelm-Routenberg, who hates men….”

    LOL…who does the repair work on your home? Who pours a new walkway or driveway on your property? Where do you take your car to get serviced? Is there an all lesbian Angie’s List I’m not aware of?

  7. What! You mean they’re not letting the child decide if it’s a boy or girl? Isn’t that against some -ism? But, I’m sure they can brainwash, er, I mean counsel the kid that he’s really a girl and have his junk whacked off. Insanity rules the day.

  8. If you read the details in the New York Post article, there are some crazy stuff there.
    First of all, their “choice” for the baby gender was, according to the article “because Heather was still traumatized from being sexually assaulted on two different occasions after college”, which is really showing you the character of those two women.
    Blame and punish an unborn baby for what allegedly happened to one of them.
    Assuming her story is authentic and not made up, these days you never know what makes an act a sexual assault on women in college, what is that spilling over to their baby? How is the baby related to that? Do they not have men around them in real life? Or did they cut off any male from their lives? Do they not work, rent, have attorney, doctor, drive a car, take the bus, visit a place, walk in the street, …etc?
    Or maybe they are living on a different planet where everyone is a female around them?
    Interesting how gender is suddenly important, can be defined and is preferred from the same “gender is a social construct”, “gender is what you feel, not what you are”, and “I can’t define what is a woman” crowd.
    So biology determines gender after all.
    This story shows you how low society went, and how sick are some people.
    They are “traumatized” and are suing because and unborn baby’s gender is a threat to their mental stability, somehow.
    And if you point this out to them, you are somehow a “hater”, and a “bigot”, and who knows what else of smears you would get from the mob.

  9. By Their Own Rules.

    The baby may have a penis but could actually be A GIRL. Have they asked it yet?

    They are the proud parents of a Bouncing baby Girl With a penis who might like Puss.
    e/Zay/They/Them/Zir are Just like them/they/that/thother !



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