Less than 1% of New York City Coronavirus Fatalities (0.61%) had NO Underlying Health Conditions – IOTW Report

Less than 1% of New York City Coronavirus Fatalities (0.61%) had NO Underlying Health Conditions


New York City is posting data on their Department of Health website on the coronavirus cases in the state.

Via the New York City website–You can find this link: COVID-19 Daily Data Summary: Deaths (PDF, updated May 3)And you can download this pdf  of the daily death report:  : covid-19-daily-data-summary-deaths-05032020-1
Here is what you pull up on the confirmed New York City cases of Coronavirus. more

4 Comments on Less than 1% of New York City Coronavirus Fatalities (0.61%) had NO Underlying Health Conditions

  1. Since there is $$$ in reporting Covid-19 Virus cases and ANY ONE lying about the numbers to get more $$$$ is committing Felony Fraud under 18 U.S. Code § 1031. A Major fraud against the United States
    Section (2) to obtain money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises …..
    Sentence: fined up to $1,000,000, or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both per count.
    But being a Liberal Democrat the Sentence is:
    A hired scape goat will take the blame and a public statement buried on page 32 of the local community free paper will read: “Its Trump’s Fault I for offering the $$$$ We got caught stealing.”


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