Lest We Forget – Hillary’s $100K Cattle Scam – IOTW Report

Lest We Forget – Hillary’s $100K Cattle Scam

clinton podesta

From Barbara Olson’s tremendous book, “Hell To Pay,” pp 138-144:



“The market was going up dramatically at that time,” Vice President Al Gore said in loyal defense of the Clintons when Hillary’s neat little cattle futures profit came to light. “That time” was October 11, 1979, three weeks before Bill Clinton was elected governor of Arkansas. Ten months later, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Governor Clinton made $100,000 in profit on a $1,000 investment. Eat your heart out Bill Gates.

When the story broke of how lawyer and commodities trader Jim Blair helped Hillary Rodham make a fortune in cattle futures, the first response of the White House was to react with feigned indignance.

“Hillary and Jim were friends; he gave her advice,” said aide John Podesta, later to become White House chief of staff. “There was no impropriety. The only appearance is being created by the New York Times.” Consider the chutzpah of that defense. The mean old New York Times making up nasty things about Hillary Clinton.  more

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