Let me “take care” of you….. – IOTW Report

Let me “take care” of you…..

Let me “take care” of you. This is DARK satire. It projects what will happen if people don’t WAKE UP!!!!

18 Comments on Let me “take care” of you…..

  1. yep, wait until they start rioting in the streets of the d’rat cities because the restaurants & stores can’t restock meat & poultry … they’ll be storming the Bastille to be ‘taken care of’ … coming soon

    btw, great imitation of Nanny Plastosi

    … bring your shovel, Comrade

  2. No way in hell, this dumb broad speaks with a forked tongue, sort of like a female Grima Wormtongue with so much makeup that she looks like a rabid racoon. I will not trade my freedom for so called guaranteed government safety. Better free than a slave to a dictatorial government who tells me what I can and can not do.

  3. I was just arguing with someone over something similar. Someone telling me to wear a mask so they won’t shut everything back down. To hell with living in fear of the government. It’s way past time to take power away from the government instead of willing to live under tyranny.
    The government can take their masks and shove them up their asses. It’s past time to tell the government to shove a lot more than that up their asses. It’s past time to make them fear us!!

    I’m fed up with the sheep and the wusses in this country.

  4. The sad thing is that, most likely, many people didn’t see through the satire and are looking online to find out who to sign up with right now!!!

  5. I think BB means it will kick into an even higher gear.

    I concur.

    It’s been stupid outrageous since 2016. My money is on them doubling down and doubling down again when push back happens.

    The thing is… They’ll double down if Trump loses, too.

  6. The left is salivating at the thought of killing as many people as possible. They don’t care who, just as long as they get what they want – complete control and all privileges for a High Life for themselves.

    I watched a little TV last night for the first time in weeks. I couldn’t stand even one commercial break, what with all the mask adds and the “We are all in this together” BS.

    Will we ever be done with this, or have the left finally found the “right” plan to finnaly achieve what they want?

  7. Those that want to impose strict control over the public better take a look at leftist controlled California. Unrest is beginning to percolate through the population and they are looking more and more defiant.
    Good luck Newscum, and those like you.

  8. “We are all in this together.”
    “All pull together as a team.”

    Who’s in harness and who has the whip?
    Humans are human, after all … clever apes for the most part.

    THEY cannot TAKE our liberties – WE must ABANDON them – the numbers simply don’t add up. There must be, at least, tacit consent.
    John and the Magnates gave up the fight when the peasantry started fighting back – they understood that 2000 (or so) armed men couldn’t conquer 14 Million pissed off peasants. So – placate the peasants just enough.
    Same old shit, over and over.
    The Thirty tyrants reigned over Athens (for a while).
    The Soviet Apparatus lasted a bit longer.
    The Nazi State only 12 years.
    The Chi-Coms are still oppressively dictatorial, as are the NorK Communists, but then it’s a population that’s, more or less, resigned to slavery, having experienced nothing else (similarly to Middle Easterners).

    Between the depredations of the past 120 years (or so) by socialists and communists in Gov’t, Academia, and the Media and our abandonment of the education of our children to totalitarian ideologues, the wonder is that we’re NOT all wearing blue Mao suits and hats!
    Some vestige remains. We must find a way to extract it from the common experience and set it into a direction of Freedom and Liberty, and not at corpulent complacency.

    Oh … there IS something about long-nosed women …

    izlamo delenda est …


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