“Let My People Go” – IOTW Report

“Let My People Go”


A few weeks ago, I got the opportunity to watch a revolutionary film that perfectly captured what’s been happening in this country. This masterpiece by Former Law Professor David Clements and his team describes how the 2020 election was stolen, what happened to cover it up, and tells the stories of the January 6th political prisoners. It comes out tomorrow “Let My People Go” Creator:


8 Comments on “Let My People Go”

  1. This is nothing Alex Jones hasn’t covered. We should be paying more attention to Jones – he’s on a roll now that he’s been vindicated about the “conspiracies” he’s revealed as fact. Jones, Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk are at the forefront of spreading critical information. Anway, it’s great that Clements is aboard. We need more of him. And NEVER FORGET: if not for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton would have been president and NONE of the corruption and treason inside our government would have been exposed.

  2. The only people that can see the corruption, are those who are watching.
    Unfortunately, to many are basing their view on MSM, that narrows the required amount of cheat.
    They underestimated in 2016, it won’t happen again, unless somebody goes to jail.

  3. “… unless somebody goes to jail.”

    “… unless somebody hangs.”

    Fixed it for ya!
    The courts are covering the corruption – the corrupt fear nothing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Promise to keep the government criminals out of jail – and then – BOOM! – cut their heads off.

    (I’ll accept hanging, skewering, impaling, firing squad and space vacuum freeze drying as alternates.)

  5. Covid was developed and released just at the right time, all the hoopla overshadowed the skullduggery of the election. The left took Trump down hard. This election of his is all about getting even instead of what’s best for this country. Nothing will come of any of this. We’re too stupid and lazy to do anything about it. As for me, I’m getting up there in age, it will soon pass for me, I’m sorry for my children’s future.

  6. When you look at the famous election curve and see Biden votes jumping straight up at 4AM the represents the Flop Sweat of democRATz panicking when they saw that they were losing despite all the skullduggery they had already committed to push Jackass Joe over the top!

    Don’t forget that the Blue curve (losing to Trump) had already been pumped up with ballot harvesting, multiple illegal ballots, dead voters, over-counting, etc and it STILL wasn’t enoughto beat Trump, so they had to go nuclear and double down on the cheating to FORCE the numbers up to where they were just enough to “win”! The curve makes it OBVIOUS that what they did was the single most obsequious cheat in all of American history!


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